Advice please! Started by: Michelle

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  • Michelle 11

    I have my meeting with Dr. Traynor on the 12th of June and my Op is booked in for the 26th of July.
    I’ve just read that they need a GP letter, my GP is horrendous at doing anything right let alone sending a letter! Could they cancel my Op if this isn’t in on time because I’m so excited and I’ve booked the time off work.

    Also, does anyone have any piercings? I have both my nipples pierced, ears, nose and a dermal anchor in my chest and I was told I would need to put plastic bars in all of them? I asked my piercer would he be able to get me any plastic bars and he’s said he wouldn’t recommend them at all.

    I’m having a little bit of a mare and worrying before i’ve even seen Dr Traynor!

    Sophie 90

    my GP letter just included my recent medical notes and a letter from the nurse practitioner to say i could have anaesthetic, not actually for the doctor himself if that makes in any better for you? you also have to pay a fee to your doctors surgery before they will release the notes with it being an external company that is asking for them.

    unsure about the piercings but im worried my cartilage piercings in the ears will close up if i take them out completely!

    i saw mr traynor last week, very straight to the point but a lovely man

    Lisa 20

    Only thing they did was ask for my NHS number, other then that I didn’t hear anything about my surgery or what happened with them. I didn’t have to pay any money for it.

    They will ask you before surgery do you have any piercings, all of them have to be taken out during your procedure xx

    Michelle 11

    @Sophy thank you! I was just getting a little worried because I did ask at my first consultation and she said I had to take all my piercings out and I have a fair few! I did get told I could put a plastic bar in cause I also have my cartilage done. My piercer did say that if it’s only out for a few hours it should be okay. Just worried as I heal really quick! And I don’t mind paying the fee, I’ve had a few operations and always been fine afterward so hopefully, this will be the same! My GP is horrific and take about 2 weeks to get anything done!

    I’ve heard he’s very straight to the point, but I’m kind of glad. I lost a lot of weight and would rather have him recommend a size which suits my figure now rather than me looking stupid!

    Thank you, I don’t even know my NHS number aha I’ve never been told it! I was worried because I know my surgery is horrendous and they take weeks to even get an appointment! And thank you! xx

    Thank you, both! Put my mind at ease now! xx

    Laura 47

    Hi I just got asked for my nhs number (which I got from a hospital letter). I had to sign a form to give permission that they can contact my GP.
    I’ve got booked surgery on the 15th! Can’t wait!
    I would imagine you can’t have any metal on you (certainly the reason we used to ask) was that if the worst happens under GA and they need to use a defibrillator – the charge can ‘ark’ from the metal and is dangerous for theatre staff.
    Also no make up/nail varnish is often before the machines show it, your skin and nails will show if there’s not enough oxygen in your body.

    Michelle 11

    @lolabelle328 hey, oh I’m hoping I get the asked same, I’m horrendous and I never keep letters! I don’t mind the signing, my GP is pretty useless so probably wouldn’t be that bothered! I’m booked in for the 26th of July I got told I may need and uplift too though at my first consultation. I’ve my tonsils out and my appendix but I never got asked to take them out then. I’m getting some bioflex bars though now to be on the safe side!

    Laura 47

    I would do. You don’t want them to cancel the op!
    I found Mr Traynor a joy! He’s actually very dry and funny. Fingers crossed you get it all sorted x

    Michelle 11

    @lolabelle328 I’m hoping I can the sooner I get it though the better! I’m going to ring up Tuesday and try get it then! Fingers crossed! And i’ve heard he’s very straight to the point on a few post, but I would rather have that than someone who would let me go too big and look silly! Thank you! x

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