Diagnosed with infection last night, anyone else experienced this ? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Last night had to call 999 and ambulance came out and took me to hospital. My temp was high and my head felt like it was going to explode (infection attacking brain membrane). Informed I have an infection and given antibiotics. Seeing surgeon tomorrow. The infection is definetly connected to my breasts as the inflammatory markers were high. I still have the bad head pain today and keeping temp down with Paras. I’m really worried. Funny thing is my breasts are healing so well , no redness or swelling even my bruises fading nicely. Has anyone experienced this ? I saw surgeon a week ago and was happy with my progress. I’m just hoping this can be cured with the antibiotics and it’s just soft tissue infection. I know what a crisis it’s going to be if it’s infected implants but they look so well at this stage it’s so confusing. Could it be the case I’ve got an infection that’s not infected implants? Seeing surgeon tomorrow. Any advice gratefully received as I could do with some help to reassure me. Xx

    Ntenisa 10

    Oh so sorry to hear that Jen 🙁 That is awful, but you should definitely seek further advice on the infection. it could be that you had it before surgery? Hope you heal well, and let us know how you get on! xxx

    Cliona 42

    Omg Jen,

    Poor you, this is not cool. 🙁

    I guess it’s possible you had an infection brewing pre op but it seems more likely you’ve possibly picked something up after. It may be your immune system raising lymphocyte count in retaliation because they sense the implants and are treating them as an invader which is very very rare.

    Saying that, urine and chest infections are common after surgery so it possible you have one of those. The good news is that your implants are ok and not showing signs of infection. I think you’ll have to see your surgeon and if he rules out it being related you’ll then prob need to have a strong course of broad spectrum antibiotics and follow up with your gp.

    Did you go home from mya with a 7 day course of antibiotics?

    I do hope you feel better soon. You need to rest and drink loads of water.



    Today the antibiotics are kicking in thank the Lord! I am sweating profusely and keen to get all clear today to shower. What a journey so far 🙁


    @ntenisa it could possibly be the case I had it before as I started with a cold the week of my op and was coughing mucus on the day. I felt very ill day if my op and to be honest should probably have cancelled but I’d had it planned 3 months prior to and when you get your date well you arrange everything around it. I’m seeing my surgeon today. I just checked my breasts and they really are starting to look good with odd twinge but no severe pain which could be connected to implant infection. Xx


    @Cliona I was given antibiotics but they gave me severe diarrhoa so on 3rd day I contacted clinic and they advised I stop taking , this in retrospect was bad advice as I obviously really needed to stick with them. I was very poorly after my op with the chesty cough and severe bruising /swelling. I’m going to see my surgeon today. My breasts are really starting to take shape and are going to look good ,my severe bruising healing swiftly now. I am just praying it’s not infected implant(s) as I seriously can’t go through the trauma of removal and then 3 months with no boobs (looking even worse than before no doubt ) . I am on antibiotics since 4am Sunday and today the severe head pain has subsided. I was on morphine in hospital , the pain was so bad as the infection attacking my brain membrane. I seriously wished I’d never had them done but really trying to be positive as they look good but I can’t live like this if infection comes back which it could if something more malevolent is lurking. Hope you are feeling ok xx

    Cliona 42

    You poor thing 🙁

    Does sound awfully like a chest infection though. I’m crossing everything for you that you continue to improve Lovely. Do keep us updated.

    I’m ok, kinda regret what I’ve done today with one big hard sore swollen bruised shiny boob and one absolutely perfect, woke up feeling violently sick. Nurse can’t be arsed as usual to reply to me so I’ll wait to see if anything changes and take it from there.

    Look after yourself and rest up, have you got help?



    I have seen surgeon today , he is 99,9% certain my boobs are fine! he said if it was infected implants I would REALLY know about it as they / one of them would be very red and swollen and I would be deteriorating fast and would have to have the implants out urgently . Mine are looking the most settled they have so far. He was really supportive and told me (as I am local ) to just drop in anytime. The New look clinic is very client focussed , I’m going back again on Monday.
    Its not on at all that your nurse is not coming back to you , that makes me so angry because you feel so worried and just need reassurance from the people who are the professionals. I’m sorry you are been treated this way, I did not go through Mya, I have heard they become passive once clients have had their op which is not good as you have been through a very serious operation!
    Just to put your mind at ease though, my left boob looked so big and swollen for at least first 2 weeks after my op, it is only now calming into my 3rd week post op. They change so rapidly , from day to day, one day your incisions will be burning away next day they feel fine, then following day your boobs are numb and the following day fine, its an unpredictable experience.
    I also has sickness / nausea for 7 days after op, shocking it was , i was so miserable , I found ginger and lemon water quite good to was the queasiness. I took a helluva lot of pepto bismal too!
    I’ve certainly questioned why I had them done over last 2 weeks but thats only because I have been so poorly , you will get to a stage where they start to soften (mine did around 12DPO) and you will start to like them. Its a very emotional process. Take care, if you need any reassurance just buzz me , I’ve had every possible adverse side effect so far so I’m well informed ! xx p..s hubby been great and grandparents took 5 year old , I couldn’t have coped otherwise.


    @cliqin sorry to hear you are unwell. Nurses at Mya often work on a shift basis and are not always available as some are on the ward tending to patients about to have their op or just come out .

    I had a 7 day post op issue with a blood clot and bruising, ur best bet is to actually call the emergency number after hours. The nurse oncall has a direct email which you can ask for to send through images and request advice. When I called through and send photos it was approaching midnight and the nurse who recieved my emails were also sent through to my surgeon who scheduled to see me as she was also concerned.

    I used this service and even got as far as receiving help from the Dr on the ward in charge of discharging patients as I had a mix up with some meds I had been given a few days post op due to a complication I had.

    Please dont think they can’t be bothered it may be the fact the nurse hasn’t seen your email or actually working on the ward. Follow through with all of the tips concerning any changes in your breasts on the paperwork issued at pre op and post op that they give you before being discharged.

    I know it can be quite daunting but I found the aftercare really great and supportive despite having my op just before Christmas which is clearly a frantic time.

    I hope you feel better soon. Fxx

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