Preston with Mr Traynor – he's just amazing! Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 47

    Hi! I had 375cc hp overs yesterday at First Trust Hospital under Mr Traynor. I had a huge wobble when he came in to draw on me and confirmed that I’d have 375 hp overs when all along I’d been told unders! In fact I upped from 350 to 375 to compensate for going under the muscle. I could feel my face burning as I knew all I’d looked at for the last 4weeks was ‘under’ pics. I was so scared they’d be too big or stuck on and fake as you think overs would be.
    He got up, gave me a big hug and explained why I needed overs (loose skin from breastfeeding) and that he doesn’t do fake looking breasts. He asked that I put my trust in him and he assured me I’d have beautiful,natural looking breasts. Oh my god they are better than I’d ever hoped. Already they look fantastic and I’m so pleased.
    If you are on the verge of making a decision, or your about to be operated on, you’re in amazing hands. I have no bruising, some swelling but hardly any pain.
    The hospital staff are wonderful. Everything about the day was fantastic! Just do it! You won’t regret it x

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