Uplift & 275cc mod plus overs done!! Started by: Jodie Louise

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  • Jodie Louise 47

    Hiy girls I had dr giannas he is such a lovley man! He takes care in his work i would highly recomend him! He origionally offered me 225cc mod plus overs but after time i thought this would be too small so i met him again and asked if he would consider letting me have 275cc and he straight away agreed but no bigger, i was fine with this!
    My addmission time was 7:30am saturday 24th i got to the fitzroy at 7:20 and the nurse showed me to my room, i was told there was 1 person before me so i was 2nd! Mr giannas came and drew on me around 8:30 and i went to surgery around 11am! The anastesia team were amamzing there was a man and woman that were particularly funny and kind i think his name was alan, always made me laugh! Next thing i knew i was waking up im recovery! I was soo sick after for hours! Woke up this morning and not had any pain medication as im not in agonising pain, just feel sick and dizzy! Nurses are soo nice, had about 5 different nurses and all of them are so kind and helpful! I would love to just roll onto my front or side as that is how i usually sleep ! But for the next 6 weeks its guna have to be sleeping upright! Heres my pictures anyway, before, straight after and this morning! Sorry that i cant cover my nipples and be warned my before pictures are horrible ahhaha xx

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    Kym 6

    Yay!!! Bet you feel releavied it’s all done with now ?
    I’m in today just waiting a bit more before my admission time ag 10am. Excitement is making my tummy go crazy! Just hope the waiting don’t drag lol
    Wishing you a speedy recovery xx

    Jodie Louise 47

    @kiymetli Try not to worry! That was me yesterday but it all goes so quick! i had a nap while i waited to go into surgery ahaha! Im not in pain today which is surprising just feel like ive done a big chest workout hqha! Are you at the fitzroy?? Good luckk xx

    Kym 6

    @jodielouiseb1 aw that’s good to hear. Did you stay the night? What time you getting discharged ??

    Yea just in the waiting area now eekk it’s all so real!! Been waiting 12 years for this !

    Sylvianna 47

    Omg so happy for you Jodie! 🙂 looks amazing and babe I know you’ve been so worried about how you’re gonna cope post-op with your kids really hope you sorted out some help at least in the first week! there is no way i could have coped the first week alone with my son at all so hope youll be alright hun xxx

    Jodie Louise 47

    @sylvianna Thanks babe! My sister in law is having him for 2 nights soo i will be picking him up on tuesday and see how i feel after that, im hoping the pain stays minimal xx

    Donna Marie 32

    @jodie congratulations on the new twins glad to hear your doing fine so happy for you and the other girls in today x

    Jodie Louise 47

    @donnamarie Hey babe thankyou!! When is your op?? X

    Vicky 6

    Happy New boobies day 🙂

    Donna Marie 32

    @jodie Louise hi my op isn’t till 22nd of August a bit of wait it’s getting on my nerves a bit because I just want to get it done lol I’m sure you no how that feels ????I’m having 250cc hp overs my surgeon is ms lutz to .how you feeling now Hun good job you haven’t got the kids for few days tho how old are yours x


    Heres mine done yesterday too. 300 cc mod plus unders with an uplift. Admittedly at the moment im at bit disappointed in size as was hoping a sport bra size D i would get in but it was far to big an dont feel i really fill out the C either. And my gap feels wide. So hoping i feel better aboit tjem soon. Surgeon managed an lollipop lift rather than an anchor.

    Sylvianna 47

    glad to hear it hun, yeah if that’s what you can get pretty much everyone (and myself!) only really felt HORRIBLE the first 2 days in terms of actual pain, soreness and inability to move – praying you feel really good after that 🙂 xx

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