Op yesterday help!!! Started by: Jade

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  • Jade 1

    I had my op yesterday 350 unders. I came round really bad from anaesthetic, really dizzy and sick for hours. They only gave me paracetamol as I can’t have cocodamol. I can get tramadol off a friend but t know what strength is ok to take?? Gp haven’t got anyone for me to talk to so not sure what else I can do. Ice is helping a tiny bit

    Stacey 498

    Iburphen was good for me Hun also if you make an ap with gp they can give you stronger pain meds and just ice packs is really all you can do Hun xx

    Jade 1

    Gp can’t see me and dr at fitzroy told me I can’t take ibuprofen

    Stacey 498

    Oo then there’s not much else you can do then Hun I took ibuprofen and paracetamol for my pain with ice packs for the first 4 days the first couple of days are the worse Hun try standing and walking even just stand up in your living room I found the more mobile I was the less pain I was in xxx

    Jade 1

    Ok thank you I’ll give it a try

    Stacey 498

    No probs Hun xx

    Hayley 6

    Hi Jade, I took paracetamol and bags of ice wrapped in a Tea towel.
    I was told no ibuprofen too. The first few days are a pain but it goes so quickly. Take it easy too. Xx

    Jade 1

    Thanks Hayley, I tried tramadol and ended up spending most of yesterday being sick couldn’t even hold paracetamol down. I feel a little bit better today, been taking my bra and breast band off when I wake up just to gig with myself a bit of relief and. It has helped too

    Sylvianna 47

    dont worry literally it doesnt last forever hun, within 2-5 days youll feel SOOOO much better, almost back to normal even, everyone says this! xx

    Jade 1

    I’m on day 4 feeling a little more alert today not so drowsy or spaced out, my appetite is increasing slowly like I could eat a bag of crisps earlier! Chuffed! I usually don’t stop! When am I likely to feel more mobile??


    It all depends on how much rest and fresh air ur getting everyone is really different tbh. I wasn’t in any pain and was fine with paracetamol and I had an uplift too. Get plenty of fruits and fresh veg plus protein to help ur recovery too much salt isn’t good or caffeine whole ur healing but by day 5 I felt more myself. Flush out the meds by drinking a glass of water every hour as it usually the anesthetic tht keeps I feeling ill and drowsy.

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