First consultation on Tuesday, what should I expect??? Started by: Leah

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  • Leah 32

    Hi I’ve got my first consultation in Newcastle on Tuesday what should I expect? What kind of questions should I ask? Total mind blank whilst trying to make a list haha! Also I’m wanting to book for my op in Jan-Feb next year, will I have to pay a deposit for so early on?

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun you will just see you pc she will go threw everything with you discuss what I want to achieve and you can either pick your sugeon if you know who you want or she will pick for you based on what u want to achieve and what sugeon will be suited to you if you decide to book your date with chosen sugeon you will have to put a deposit down off a £1000 if you want to waIt till you have met you sugeon you pay a£500 deposit and rest of Balance isn’t due till 56 days befor you sugury they can put in a late payment request witch is usually granted my pc told me but deposit has to be paid if you deside to book you date xxx

    Leah 32

    Thanks Stacey do you think I’m best just waiting until I see the surgeon? I thought I had found the one I wanted but with more research and reading what everyone posts on here I’d be happy with any haha.I seen on a post you have to go back in, hope everything ok for you! Xxx

    Stacey 498

    It’s up to you Hun I knew I wanted mr traynor for all the reasreach I did so I booked my date with my pc and paid the £1000 deposit befor meeting him I also wanted to book my date asap as I get married the 4th August and wanted to be ok for then I have a lil build up of fluid/seroma that they hoping will go by its self if it hasn’t gone by Monday or going down by then it will be a re op to drain and put new implant in but I will find out more on Monday xx

    Leah 32

    Thanks for your help 🙂 fingers crossed it goes down on it’s own! I’ve added you hope u don’t mind xx

    Stacey 498

    That’s fine I will accept it now and thanks Hun I’m hoping it does go down on its own as everything else is healing all good xxx


    She’ll just show you some photographs of other people’s BA’s to get a rough idea of what you like.. show you the size implants etc. If you want to secure your date & surgeon you’ll need to pay a deposit. I had my consultation this week and I’m booked in for surgery in September. Xx

    Leah 32

    Think the healing is the only part I’m worried about Stacey! Not so much the actual boobs more the scarring, I had a big op 10 years ago and my scars went keloid it’s more common in dark skinned people but me being the lucky ginger skinned one gets it too (it’s not pretty by all means!) Haha would my pc be able to tell me Moreno about different types of stitching me back together or is that just for the surgeon?

    Thanks Amy-belle what surgeon have you chose? Xxx

    Stacey 498

    I think the Sugoen would go in to more details about stiching Hun my scars are barely noticeable and I’m only 2 weeks post op but to be honestly Hun I wouldn’t worry about the scars and you won’t be able to see them as the boob will cover them when fully healed any ways xxx

    Leah 32

    Think I’m just a worrier haha that’s good at 2 weeks!! Xxx

    Stacey 498

    I think everyone is when it comes down to it esp with something like this xx


    Sorry cant type on this new phone lol x

    Leah 32

    Thanks Demi I didn’t know it had to be within 6 months haha I’d of liked to see the surgeon twice anyway since mine won’t be until Jan-Feb, gutted I can’t get enough time off until then haha x

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