1 day post op! Started by: Leanne Halls

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    Hey girls.
    I’m home now after my op yesterday. I had the best day yesterday even being put to sleep was hilarious! I couldn’t fault anything !
    Having the drains out this morning was th3 worst thing ever and since then it’s all gone downhill 🙁 I’m in absolute agony today I can’t even move. My ribs and back are killing and the side of my left boob is so much worse then my right !

    Any advice!? I’ve just put ice pack on my ribs

    Natalie 7

    Aww bless you did you have overs or unders hun?? I didn’t have drains so I can’t help really hun id say ice packs and take your strong pain relief they give you. I had very bad bruising to my right breast and that one hurt alot more than my left. Im here if you need to have a rage or anything chin up hun xx


    I had under and it feels like muscle pain so it makes sense really! Did you have unders? I thought I had a high pain threshold but I wasn’t ready for this! Haha
    I also have a bit of a cough which is horrible as so painful !
    Did you find it really hard talking properly like short of breath ? I’m guessing it’s due to it being so tight ?


    Also I got told I would need a breast band however I just have strapping and my bra? Do you need the band with strapping? Maybe they will give me the band at check up when they remove strapping?

    L Collins 2

    I’m.about to have my operation soon under the muscle as I wanted a more natural look I’m so worried about pain n double bubbles after reading comments . Would love to have someone to chat to after who has gone thought the same

    Natalie 7

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    Leanne no I didn’t have unders I was meant to but on day he recommended I should go over. Yes I struggled to breath for a week and now struggle to talk loud hun. I don’t no how strapping etc work hun as I had nothing just dressings under my boobs every surgeon is different in how they leave you after op. I’m not much help really am I hun sorry 🙁 but the breathing thing is normal it will get better. Xx

    Leisa: don’t panic every one is different what some people experience others don’t so don’t be scared of stories I made my self terrified from stories to the point I nearly cancelled I’m just glad I didn’t now. I had my breast enlargement 2 week on Monday xx


    Thanks natalie. I think I’m going to order another post op bra as I do think this one is too tight ! I can feel it pulling on my Stitches!

    Yes sorry leisa I didn’t mean to scare you haha everyone is different Natalie is right. I read so many horror stories about the surgery day that I worried about that and it was absolutely fine!!!! Some people handle the pain fine so hopefully you will Too!! Xx

    L Collins 2

    I ended up with it over the muscle , but sleeping sat up, I’m getting back aches m chest / ribs .x boobs don’t really ache yet x feels more like wind/ reflux and muscles in back etc aching

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