What happens on the morning of surgery? Started by: Amanda

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  • Amanda 12

    So I’m booked in for my op on the 19 July and I’m starting to get a bit nervous now. I’m struggling to sleep with millions of things running through my head.

    Can you lovely girls put my mind at ease and run me through what happens after admission please?
    Do you get bloods, full forms, who comes to see you etc etc. Xxx


    Hey Amanda. Surgery day is great! The staff were all amazing. After many visits from nurses and your surgeon drawing on you someone comes to collect you to take you to theatre. The people there were amazing and I had to lay on operating table then they put the canulla in your hand which I was dreading so a lovely nurse held my hand. They were chatting to me the whole time keeping me calm. Next thing I remember is saying I feel really dizzy and he said that’s because your going to sleep! And that was it. I was happy they didn’t make me count down so I didn’t even realise I was going to sleep. I woke up laughing asking for wine!!! Was actually such a good day. I was making phone calls within the hour of coming out of surgery.

    I’m only 2 day post op and the pain is awful 🙁 but everyone is different so I hope yours won’t be as bad. I was more worried about the day of the surgery then the recovery! But definitely worried about the wrong part!

    Good luck !!!!!

    Kamila 14

    I am waiting on my admition at 1pm today…
    thanks @leannehalls1234 thats really helpful! im a litte bit nervous and dont know what to expect! 😀

    L Collins 2

    I’m waiting on my admission today at 2pm feeling nervous

    Hannah 38

    Good luck Kamila! You’ll be fine and it’s all worth it.

    Ahh 😀

    Amanda 12

    Thanks everyone!
    Leanne when did you get your admission time? I was hoping I would get mine today for op in Wednesday but thinking it might be Monday now xx

    Kamila 14

    Ive been admitted. Met the surgeon and anasteasiologist been Drawn on and now waiting my turn. Someone is on before me then im next one up!

    Kamila 14

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    Going in in 15 minutes!!! Omg im nevrously excited hahahaha. Dont know what to do with myself. Emotions are over the roof!


    Amanda I got my admission time 2 days before so you will probably get it on monday. 🙂
    Good luck everyone.
    Would be good to hear about everyone’s after pain as I’m in agony!!! 🙁 xx

    Amanda 12

    Good luck kamila!!
    Just got my admission time 11am! Xx


    Hi Amanda you will be absolutely fine! I was so nervous and worried a few days before. I kept thinking it wouldn’t go ahead or something would go wrong. I think it’s normal to be nervous 🙂 the day went so fast I had an 11am admission time too and everything was done and dusted within 6/12 hours and back home. I had no bloods just a few forms to go through and a pregnancy test xxx

     Happy Birthday to the girls 😀 xxx

    Kamila 14

    Im all done… sore as hell… they gave me some pain meds but im dying xD keep nodding off to sleep and waking up xD

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