Recreational drugs Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 8

    Bit of a funny topic but here goes…i went for a consultation with the surgeon last week and when going through all the usual questions he asked the one about drugs. Now me like a lot of people have tried them once, around ten years ago! I feel like he put words in my mouth though and he was like so what was it cocaine, ecstacy…and then wrote it down on the paper. All my other questions about health are fine, i dont smoke, i dont hardly drink….but now im worried at my pre op they are going to read it and think im some drug addict and start doing all kinds of tests! Has anyone else answered yes to these questions and then had their pre op? I dont want things like this on my medical record i have a professional job and its not good. I really find that ten years ago is really irrelevant and shouldnt have been wrote down

    Julie 40

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    i find that strange he would write it all down especially if its been a while but i don’t think any of myas info is passed along. they would be breaching confindentiality. It won’t go on your medical record. If your worried you could email your pc and chat to her about it. x

    Laura 8

    I know i thought that myself…and i dont even think he wrote tried ten years ago…i think he just wrote the names of the drugs! So if i was anyone else reading that i would think this girl does this regularly….be interesting to know if anyone else had this. Im already anxious about having surgery without getting to pre op and being treated like im a druggie ????x


    Tbh I don’t recall my surgeon asking me anything like that! If anything I was asked at my preop by thr nurse. Bit random but try not to get anxious about it, they can’t pass on stuff anyway and ur medical records will show u haven’t been prescribed anything to ween u off the mentioned recreational drugs


    Claudine 196

    My surgeon asked me i was honest and said yes i had taken some recreationaly but it was nearly 24 years ago!! he still wrote it down, i wouldn’t worry about it, only 4 people are even mildly intrested in whats on that form, the purpose of the question is because some recreational drugs (and prescribed) could pose serious risks under GA so if problems arose during surgery they need to have full knowledge of what’s in/been in your system, obviously you would think there will be a length of time where it became un-applicable (if it’s years most probably wouldn’t admit to it) but in my case near quater of a century but still noted, i had no issues with it i don’t think anybody is going to make any judgements about me because of it, like you i don’t drink either, ive had alcohol twice this year i can barely cope with Shandy so i think the rest of the medical questions and present day info paint my true picture xxx

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