I had my second consultation today with Ms Lutz she was very stern and said I couldn’t go big but we’ve changed everything all around now as I’ve apparently lost weight since I last saw her and boobs are sitting lower.. I was supposed to have high profile 200cc unders but now I’m having either 215 or 2400cc ultra high and patrials to avoid uplift 🙁 how can my boobs droop lower in 2/3 weeks or lose weight in that time? She said I’m really tiny and can’t fit the wide implants in also so have to go taller. I’m stressed as my surgery is in 2 weeks and I can’t let my boobs sit any lower… how can I avoid it?
Your surgeon has probably just reevaluated. Mr Mounir did the same with me (not on size but profile). I was sure I wanted mod plus so when he said no way I was disheartened a singe said HP. Then on next consultation he said UHP for my small chest width. And now I’m so happy I listened. I’m 14 days PO. Have a look on my
Profile if you wish. Trust your surgeon xxx
It’s just the fact that apparently they’ve drooped more in 3 weeks I don’t see how?
I wouldn’t worry too much Hun she probs just had an other good look and decided to change it to suit u better xxxx
I honestly wouldn’t worry, you’ve just got to think that they know what they are talking about and that they’re not going to want to make you disappointed! My surgeon also changed my implant size in my second consultation, I just put my trust into him xx
I lost about 3 ppounds in 3 weeks which isn’t a lot but it’s clearly affected the way my boobs sit now and they’ve dropped by a cm if they drop any lower in 2 weeks I’ll need an uplift ????
But I had my partner in the room at second consultation and felt more uncomfortable so think I was hunched more and back probably wasn’t straight
Don’t panic too much, I’m having my surgery soon, she really frightened me too but I’ve seen her work and she seems to really know what she’s talking about but if you’re really not happy try and see someone else?
I had Miss lutz and she was amazing , my boobs look great , and she was a completely different person on the day of the surgery , much more chilled and smiley x
I’m not worried about what I’m having ladies I’m more conerved that my boobs are sitting lower than last time and if they continue to sit lower then on the day of my surgery I’ll need a uplift… how do I stop my boobs from sagging more? Lol
They must’ve gone lower with the few pounds you lost, I’m slim and if I lose weight my boobs suffer lol. Just make sure you don’t lose any more if you stay the same your boobs shouldn’t alter anymore xx
Haha, wish I knew the answer to stop the sagging process. Sorry, Hun, can’t help there. I suppose just don’t lose anymore weight and stay supported in a good bra?? Xxx
I wouldn’t of thought they could lose anu more tbh . I’m Just going to stop exercising until 6 weeks after the op and I’ll eat my recommended 2000 caloriea a day. I’ve chucked out all my old bras there were big for me and didn’t give me the support and information wearing one that fits properly I’ll wear it at night also
I’d definitely get a more supportive bra, maybe get yourself measured now to make sure you get the right size, a bra that brings them up more to try and keep them in place?
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