I’m two weeks post up today went and had dressings and incisions checked, nurse pulled off dressing taking away scab leaving small wound
Worried going to get infection now
Cleaned and put steri strip over it but really worried
Wasnt a massive whole but like when u get a scab on ur knee if you fall and when gets knocked off, didnt really bleed and she seemed unconcerned
Was my mum who is a nirse who cleaned and steri stripped it as would have left thicker scar.
Anyone else had scab taken off n left slight open sore??
Hiya I’ve got a hole aswell I rang the nurses and they said if it isn’t weeping red puffy or sore then there isn’t anything to worry about, I too am a little concerned but obviously safe to say if it isn’t leaking puss etc then it isn’t infected wether it will heal up I really don’t no I’m 18days p.o. x
And I feel like wen I look at my hole it seems like a corner that hasn’t been stitched if you no what I mean x
Yes i can see what you mean
Mine to is the corner where she has removed the scab so its now open
It was not as red when my mu steri stripped it so hoping it will be ok
Im seeing my surgeon next wed so will se by then x
My nurse did the same on my other breast wen she went to trim the stitch it pulled out instead and I started bleeding but it stopped and healed up but from photos a couple days after my surgery I’ve noticed actually looks like my hole was there then aswell so I’m gona ring them tomos ask to be seen by the nurse, when I rang the nurses all the guy said was if it isn’t weeping red or sore it’s probably ok lol that doesn’t put my mind at ease because there shouldn’t be a hole there at all lol x
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Just keep an eye on it Hun and see how it goes as a similar thing happened to me! 2 days after I had my strapping removed i noticed what seemed to be an open wound (photo attached – sorry it’s gross!) when I went to see a nurse at MYA she told me it wasn’t open and there was nothing to worry about which really suprised me. A few days letter I checked and my incision went green and looked infected! I then showed mya nurses again and they still said it wasn’t infected but prescribed me very high doses of antibiotics. I was confused as to why they did this and so I visited my GP. I showed him the incisions and the pictures of how it has progressed, he told me that i had always had an open wound and that it was definitely infected and was very confused as to why Mya didn’t tell me what was actually wrong. Having the infection has caused me a lot of distress to say the least. I am creeping up to 8WPO and I still can’t wear normal bras and my drop and fluff has been delayed due to the infection 🙁 I’ve attached a photo of how my open incision changed and became infected after I saw the mya nurse. I really feel like it could have been prevented if the nurse treated it as an open wound when I first when to see her with my concerns xxx
Exact thing happened to me and I ended up back in surgery getting it stitched and cleaned.
Oh no
Mine seems to have rescabbed and healed
Think was mum washing with alcohol (hurt like hell) that must have been my saviour from infection x
I feel the nurse is a bit ‘can’t be bothered’ and short. I’m a nurse myself and at 1 week post op when she cleaned my incisions it wasn’t done correctly and risked giving me an infection. I went home upset… but luckily I’ve been fine.
She didn’t use an aseptic technique at all.
She’s trimming my stickes next week and feel a bit anxious about her doing it to be honest.
hey was just wondering what happened with you in the end ? Is it okay now ? i have just been diagnosed with an infection that looks very similar to yours. I have been given antibiotics x
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