Hi I am 9wks post op I felt just the same as you, I would read on here that everyone was back to doing there jobs and routines yet I was still feeling it, I had overs and expected to not be experiencing aches I felt at four Wks. I am definitely feeling more myself now over the last couple of Wks my boobs now feel part of me now if you know what I mean. I am still numb around my incisions I know that will take a lot longer. My nipples are still sensitive but no as bad as they were, I have experience a few days of stabbing pains that have taken my breath away and rang my nurse she said I had been possibly doing to much but can experience random pains/feelings for up to 18mths as our boobs settle.
4wks is still early days and we all heel differently just take it easy, only do what you can do, rest up, honestly it will soon go before you know it. I expect there are a lot of girls on here will say they ache or hurt and haven’t settled straight back into there normal routines. 😉 xxx