Want enlargement but think they'll recommend a lift too? Started by: Kerrie Bilson

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  • Kerrie Bilson 35

    So excited for my consultation next week with Mounir, my PC said she doesn’t think I will need a lift as well but I am not sure! They are quite saggy now and I really want a fuller top half of my boobs so I am thinking overs but not sure what size or profile! Anyone else start with similar boobs to me that can share results and what they had? Of course I am hoping to get away with out a lift if I can!

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    Samantha 8

    Hey Kerrie, I just had an uplift and implants 325/345cc one of my breasts was bigger than the other! I had the anchor lift because I had hardly any skin underneath my areola and tuberous boobs

    I don’t think you will need an uplift because they don’t look saggy, if you did I doubt you would need an anchor lift you could deffo get away with having the mini lift which is just a small scar around the nipple and under the breast xx


    Hi Hun
    Mr. MOunir is amazing! I had him for uplift and implants, I’m 3 weeks post op today. I was the same as you, I had boobs but they were empty at the top. I had 350 high profile overs and full uplift and I’m over the moon! I was gutted when he said I needed uplift, but I know I would never have achieved the results I wanted without an uplift. My scars are soooo neat he’s done a perfect job. I’ve attached some pics for you. I’ve got my 3 week post op appointment to,orrow so should hopefully get my dressings off for good!
    Let me know how you get on xx

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    Kerrie Bilson 35

    Hi thanks for your replies!

    Christie-Leigh yours look gorgeous, I was definitely thinking overs too! I suppose if he thinks it’s needed I will do it, no point having implants that will just sag in a couple of years anyway 🙂

    Reassuring to knows scarring won’t be that bad too

    Can’t wait now! X


    Hi Kerrie, mine were a lot saggier and less full than yours, I had uplift and implants. The surgeon said he could do the implants alone however I wouldn’t get the look I wanted. I’m now 3 weeks post op…..photo below xxx

    Kerrie Bilson 35

    Hi Lex

    I think ours (beginning shot obvisouly lol) look really quite similar, if I end up with what you have now I would be well happy! Thanks so much for sharing the scars are not half as bad as I was imagining x


    @kerrieb no probs, dont hesitate to ask if you have any questions at all, i know it really helped me talking to others on here when in was researching. I had a lollipop lift (mini lift) as i had a ‘mild sag’ god that sounds awful haha. xxx

    Kerrie Bilson 35

    It is all so confusing as there are so many options, feel like I spend my whole day looking at other womens boobs!! haha.. suppose I only have to wait a week to meet surgeon then I will have a munch better idea, I think I will go with whatever they recommend really and trust them 🙂


    @christieleigh I’m having surgery with dr mounir 350cc. have you got any updated pictures?


    @orbutterfly12 I have some on my profile, I’ve added you x

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