I was wondering if anybody had a similar experience to me or if I was just unlucky.
I had my op in June 2015 at the Manchester clinic.
Following my op I was black and blue for weeks but eventually the bruising went down.
Approx 6 weeks after the op I ended up in a&e on antibiotics because I had an infection and my right breast was inflamed and the scar had yellow water dripping out of it.
The infection seemed to clear up for a few weeks but then kept coming back and I can only
Describe it as like mastitis. I must of been to the docs around 3 times over the next few weeks and had to keep having courses of antibiotics.
Finally after a number of weeks the infection finally cleared and my breasts seemed to settle and that is when I noticed the rippling. I know that most people get this but again mine was my right breast and it felt lumpy to touch and I could actually press the implant in and out like it had deflated.
Over 2 years on and every time I’m due on my period my right breast goes rock hard and I have never been able to sleep on my front or on my right hand side without waking up in pain. My scar is constantly red and inflamed and no bra is comfortable to wear.
Even the simple things like going for a body massage are a nightmare because I can’t lie on my front . I love the gym and even doing certain excercises which require me to put my chest down are too hard to do.
Surely this is not normal to have to put up with after paying around £?? Most nights I have to sleep with a pillow under my right breast because it aches in the night and it’s making me miserable 🙁
Aw thats awful! I cant be of much help but have you rang your clinic and seen the surgeon since to see what they can advise? X
@hayley0409 yeah that really doesn’t sound normal at all. I would go back and speak to them, you might need revision surgery hun. Is the breast hard? Could it be a case of Capsular Contracture? Keep us all updated xx
I was thinking that but i wasn’t sure. The clinic have contacted me so I will book in an see what they think x
Hi Hayley, im having the same problem, ive had quite a problematic recovery but nothing like yours sorry to hear about your post op complications, im just over 5 months post op and my left breast seems fine (i still cant sleep comfortably on it but it’s not painful as such just uncomfortable seems to near to my armpit) great shape, size and volume and no rippling.
Right breast had problems from the start with it jutting out towards the armpit, i have constant pain and also have to sleep with a pillow under the breast (thats playing havoc with my spine as long term it’s not good for allignment) seeing chiropractor but can’t even lie on my front for treatment so thats limited, it’s an awful square shape and has significant visible rippling all the way round it was previously just at the sides but now the entire implant feels like it’s deflated, the right breast was my larger breast so makes no sense that the rippling is not in the smaller breast, i had 375 in both so my assymetry has obviously remained the same, also when i tense my muscles the left breast just lifts slighly the right one jumps up my chest, mine isn’t hard either if anything it feels empty compared to the right but does firm up menstrualy, when i even slightly lean back it looks like it’s collapsed and lying down i look completely deformed, ive been back to see surgeon and back again in 4 weeks, hoping to get a thorough explanation this time, good luck at your appointment and hope they can put things right for you, im kind of just ignoring mine now visualy but the pain is very waring even though it’s low level pain/discomfort it’s there constantly, ive had mastitis and it does feel a bit like that xxx
Forgot to mention i can’t find a comfortable bra either ive bought about 20! at first i thought it was the size difference between them but that didn’t make me uncomfortable pre-op, so think it’s the way they sit, i have a few Pretty Polly bras that i can cope with wearing for a few hours if i need to but they are underwired and theres immense relief when i take it off so im living in crop tops and still sleeping in a supportive sports crop top, if you don’t mind me asking did you have unders or overs? And are your incisions in your natural crease or above xxx
It is now almost 4 years since my op and I’m still in pain and can’t sleep on my right hand side starting to think I’m going to have problems for the rest of my life . Any advice is much appreciated .
Hi Hayley, that sounds awful I am so sorry you have been going through this. What did they say when you contacted them two years post op? Because that sounds like the model case for a revision. It’s so devastating you’ve had to go through this, this experience is not what you paid for and they should have rectified it when you told them! Hope you’re well other than this xx
I went to see mr traynor and felt them and said it’s like anybody else with natural breasts that they can get sore at certain times of the month but today I’ve had to wear a sports bra as they are lumpy and so sore and rock hard . It’s only the right breast which has always been the issue. I can feel like lumps of the implant which I can press in at out x
Do you know how long you are covered for under aftercare x
Feeling lump isn’t normal as far as I’m aware! And going rock hard is definitely definitely not normal…
It’s three years now, I don’t know whether or not it was the same when you had yours. I don’t really know too much about revision but there will be girls on here who can advise you. I didn’t end up with MYA in the end as my surgery was cancelled so I’m probably not the best person for info, I just had all the MYA appointments up until surgery and then changed to another provider xx
I have had 6 years of pain in my lefr breast and was told it’s cartlage in my ribs been up set by the op it will settle one day…. however it’s in my insission area so I went to another clinic for a second review. And they say i have stitches gone into my nerves wich is causing my discomfort and pain.
Regards to yours did u contact the team right away when u ended up in hospital it sounds like u have had a bad time healing but u may have a capsular or partial if it hardens at that time of the month. U need to get the team to have a proper look maybe do a scan to x
Yes I’ve arranged for another appointment on Thursday so see what they say x
Been today and the nurse thinks it’s capsular so I now have to see the surgeon again. I went with the same problem 2 years ago and was fobbed off so I’ve now had a further 2 years of discomfort . Does anyone know what happens next and what the process is 🙁
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