Overs dropping Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 8

    Hi girls how long does it take for overs to drop? Im 3 weeks po now and they just still seem so high up and i cant get a cleavage at all yet when i try push them together its just tight. Wonder if my sports bra isnt helping x

    Yvette 85

    Hi I had overs today and would like to know…also feel like I’m small 🙁
    The nurse said they will get smaller….grrrr hope not or won’t be happy

    Laura 8

    Try again…

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    charlie 52

    Hiya I’m 4 wks p.o. mine have dropped and softened I can push them together to get a cleavage they are nice and soft and also have a bounce, I had uplift aswell tho because I’ve had 4 children so wether that makes a diff with me having a lot of breast tissue I’m not sure, mine were practically stuck to my chin when I had my op tho xx

    Laura 8

    Hi yvette im the opposite i actually feel like i went too big, i originally wanted 360 but every surgeon i saw said no the minimum i should get is 400 due to my size, anyway i went with their advice but i feel huge…all i wanted wss a cleavage which i still havent got 🙁 x

    Laura 8

    Hi charlie yes this is the thing everyone seems to be so much more ahead than me, i dont think by next week they will be much different. My skin is quite tight though it just doesnt seem to want to budge! X

    Yvette 85

    Probably abut soon, maybe we’re impatient lol
    Yours look amazing, obv you can see the right one needs to drop slightly but it will when it’s ready, think they all take time differently!!! So if yours are dropping , my overs will?
    I think you’d a lovely size, if I’d gone that size would of had the stick on look ????????????????????
    But yours looking so great I’m sure you’ll love them more once dropped fully xxx

    Peggy 25

    I’m 12WPO with overs and think around 6 weeks mine had dropped a bit and nurse said at this point that they will probably drop a little more- they were definitely squishier around 6 weeks for cleavage! I had mod profile implants. 🙂 (and less bullet shaped!)
    I have smallish 250cc implants and felt they looked super small in my macom bra but as soon as i could try on underwired and simple tshirt bras i felt happer sizewise- bra fitting day is great! Haha 😀
    Hope you’re healing well xx


    Mine are the same, they literally haven’t moved since I had them done and I’m
    Now 4WPO. They look so small in my macom bra and I look no different in clothes however they look perfect when I am naked! I’m hoping once I can wear ‘real’ bras I will be happier xxx

    Jane marie 50

    Mine were so high up I had 360cc they dropped down a bit after a week and now at 3 weeks have dropped right down and are way softer they look like nice natural big boobs now 🙂 the swelling went down after 2 weeks so they will get smaller they don’t get bigger like unders but when they drop down they do look bigger I think as more natural I have a cleavage in my sports bra now but I didn’t really have a gap pre op so I knew I wouldn’t have one post op xx

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