345cc overs 2days post op looking timy Started by: Yvette

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  • Yvette 85

    Hi I’m two days post op and had overs, looking tiny today and obviously I won’t get the drop and fluff but will they get any smaller?
    Can’t get smaller surely?

    Cath 75

    They will drop. And they do fluff just not as much as unders, I’m 3DPO and can tell a difference from the day of my op.. patience is key I’m guessing

    Yvette 85

    Hi what size was you pre op? How big did you go x

    Cath 75

    Hey I was a 34b pre op I had 485cc UHP and currently wearing a 36DD sports bra xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh wow your so much larger than me!!! I feel so small I actually don’t like them at all 🙁 xx

    Cath 75

    What size was you pre op? I don’t actually look that big honestly, my 1DPO pic is on my profile.
    What bra size are you wearing at the minute? Xx

    Yvette 85

    I was 32a but never been measured….so I can’t be sure….
    Am wearing the Macom bra in size small ATM and an m&s high impact sports bra in 34d but obv not going to stay that big, in fact I think I look so small….and I was literally flat before, never breastfed and had no sagging or anything….so can’t see why I look so small :((
    Yeah I can see your pic….do you and any others? How are you feeling about the size you went? Xx

    Cath 75

    I only have to 2 that are in my profile, other than that I haven’t took my bra off yet. I will probs take another tomorrow to see the difference. My bra is tight so I was thinking of going to get a bigger size then thought well the swelling should be going down soon. I’m happy with the size I went as I didn’t want the stuck on fake look and I think once they settle they will be perfect for my frame xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh haha it’s scary isn’t it?! I have once and felt like they were going to fall off lol
    Yes the swelling will defo go down so probably be a waste of money ….
    Yeah I agree I didn’t want the fake stick on look either….but didn’t want small :/
    Never happy haha

    What po bras are you wearing ATM? Xx

    Cath 75

    I’m wearing the shock absorber D+ at the minute. It’s super comfy, the straps and fastener are padded so don’t rub or dig in. The nurse I woke up to in recovery said it’s one of the best bras she has seen. My friend also wore one after her BA so I knew they was good for the job lol xx

    Cath 75

    My surgeon advised again Macom etc, saying they all do the same job it’s just the name you are paying for. One of my friends had the macom and hated it so that out me off straight away. I hear the M&S ones are good and there are some in matalan I believe are up to standard aswell so it just shows there is no need to be spending a fortune if ya don’t need to xx

    Yvette 85

    Was told by transform to maybe get a shock absorber but then I heard they come up small and with swelling I’d have to go up more sizes then I got all confused lol so stuck to going up a band size in the sports bra in a D
    Then went for a Macom in a small because they stretch to whatever you are po so thought that would suit best rather than getting the wrong size,
    It can be confusing can’t it….plus everyone measures differently
    How many po bras have you got? Iv literally only two … is that enough? I can’t even remember how long we have to wear them for after surgery, any idea?
    I don’t like them as feel like am squashed and restricted haha

    Cath 75

    I’ve got 2 just a black and white one. I have to wear mine for 6weeks day and night.
    I think 2 is enough for the time being, seeing as we are swollen it’s pointless getting more for them not to fit in a couple of weeks. As long as you have one for when the other is in the wash I don’t suppose ya need more than 2 lol.
    Do you have strapping or just your bra? I can’t wait for this itching to stop, my nurse said it will be down to the skin stretching. My skin is oily to, and I’m bloated. Once everything goes back to normal I’m be over the moon… until then I’m guessing I’ve to just be paitent lol xx

    Yvette 85

    Yeah two should be enough just sometimes these feel a little tight and gets abut uncomfortable but no point buying more like you say.
    No strapping, just a bra…. is that what you’ve got on? I don’t even know why some people have it? Lol
    Yeah maybe plus healing can cause itching can’t it!!! Which is always a good sign 🙂
    Do you have any numbness? I literally cannot feel the top of my right boob, literally no feeling in it….the left is fine and feels normal …. xx

    Cath 75

    Yes I have numbness in my left boob, I can feel my right but no feeling in either of my nipples but my surgeon did say it can take a few weeks to get the feeling back and he said I will know when it’s happening because I will get shooting pains when the nerve endings are fixing lol… it’s weird at the minute coz I’ve no pain just a lot of pressure and the odd twinge when I move in away they don’t like lol xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh my god am exactly the same, no feeling in nipples either…. and yes pressure and twinges but no pain!!!
    Though if I’m sitting for a while and I get up I get like a heavy bruised feeling around the base of my boobs….are you getting that at all? Xx

    Cath 75

    Exactly the same, I have to keep laying on my bed at about 45degrees to relieve that feeling. I keep saying my ribs feel bruised aswell but I’m thinking that could be the pressure.
    I just want to feel normal ha ha…. I sound like I’m moaning all the time but really I’m enjoying the experience.
    All these new feelings and sensations… we will be pros at this by the time we are fully healed lol… xx

    Yvette 85

    It’s horrible, it’s probably where we are relaxed and it builds up ….don’t like that part…sometimes get a stinging feeling where the bandages are under….
    Haha yes we will be here to help all the pre op Girls….
    I actually thought it was going to be horrendous pain and wouldn’t be moving at all… had it it set in my mind but it’s completely not the case…in fact far from it
    😀 xx

    Cath 75

    Ye I sometimes get like a burning where my incisions are but again my nurse said that’s normal… I just freak at every little thing lol… I honestly thought the pain would be worse and even the nurse couldn’t believe how well I had coped. I was discharged exactly 2hrs and 5 mins after surgery and in my way home. It has been a breeze… touch wood that continues eh?
    Our experiences sound very similar. Xx

    Yvette 85

    Yes very much the same….how weird, and I was going to put it’s gone too well something’s bound to go wrong….TOUCH WOOD!!!!

    Think we set ourselves up for the worst and some glide through it better than others, some get it bad at first then sail through it….I still worried sick something is going to go wrong…lol
    They norm say if something’s too good tonne true it normally is….arghhh nightmares tonight LOL xx

    Jane marie 50

    I had 360cc overs they will get smaller when the swelling goes but they also drop down and go soft so I think they look a lot bigger after that mine dropped a lot by a week and im 3 weeks now and I love them they felt way too big and fake to begin with but now they are just like big natural boobs 🙂 I didn’t get the feeling totally back in mine until 2 weeks xx

    Jane marie 50

    I had a bikini on under my top for the first time today xx

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    Yvette 85

    Wow you look huge….what are your stats? Mine are high, pointy and hard…..I can’t see mine looking bigger after dropping anyway xx

    Paula 49

    They look fab Hun x

    Yvette 85

    Hi Paula, didbyou have overs? Xx

    Jane marie 50

    I have pics of what they looked like right after surgery they were so high up! But they will drop and soften within a few weeks 🙂 I’ll put 2 pics on your other post for you. I’m 5 ft 3 was a 32 B and had 360cc overs xx

    Laura 143

    Have you took any more photos to compare them from the first one when you came out of surgery? They looked a good size on that pic. What was your stats before? Im sure they will get bigger once they soften, your skin is probably holding them really tight still. Your implant wasnt much smaller than janes an hers look a really good size, paula had 400cc overs too so not a massive difference to yours an hers look a really good size too, i think they will deffo get bigger so try not to panic xx

    Yvette 85

    Hi Jane yes it you were already Abz cup so you will be bigger post op lol I was an A so will be smaller…plus I’m taller than you…can we just swap bodies please haha xx

    Yvette 85

    Hi thanks for your message, no I haven’t took anymore pics as don’t want to look at them….make me want to cry!!!! Sounds ridiculous because I had nothing before but iv paid a lot of money and put myself thru soo much to get them I feel like iv been through it all for nothing also wore big padded bras before so feel no different :/
    I think the two are shorter than me and obv went slightly bigger and probably makes a big difference …overs and unders also have different outcomes

    Maybe I’m just impatient but worrying so much it’s strsssing me out to the point I can’t even look at myself xx

    Yvette 85

    I asked the nurse after surgery whether they will get bigger she replied “no they won’t, they will get smaller”
    I thought wtf surely they can’t get smaller I’ll have nothing left?”

    Laura 143

    Awh really feel for you after everything u have been through to get them! Would deffo have a look an take a pic though as much as u dont want to will be good for you to track the changes. Was it the biggest implant they would allow tou to have? I get what you mean about the padded bras because i will probably be the same on that 1 because i wear the 2 cup sizes bigger bras but just think at the min you dont have one of those on you have a sports bra that isnt very flattering (or rather it is flattering lol) so when you are allowed to wear normal bras an they have dropped an softened im sure you will see a big difference xx

    Yvette 85

    Well was offered 325cc but he said I could go to 345cc and I’m a size 8 bottom and top so thought that would suit my frame….mayb iv set myself up because everyone’s look big in pictures, like mine did in my op post but in person they don’t….
    Got a Macom bra on ATM in size small and I fill that out….I don’t know I just think I don’t look half as big as other girls around same size and been told they will get smaller is worrying me 🙁
    Overs don’t drop half as much as unders do they? What size did you go? Xx

    Yvette 85

    Also with a t shirt on no one would even be able to tell I had a ba ….I look exactly the same lol grrrr stressed xx

    Laura 143

    My op is friday i have to go see my surgeon today just to confirm size but last time i saw him he said 400cc an i think thats big enough so im not wanting more he did say maybe 420 but im happy with 400cc im a 32c to start with but it is under muscle so that could take away abit of size. Everyone looks so different though you just never know what you will end up like till you have them done do you. An i have seen a few on here that iv said god they are huge an they have said honestly they dont look as big in person so maybe your right on that one. I will be having unders but i have seen plenty of people worrying about there overs an eventually they do fill out a little more so im sure yours will xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh bet your excited 🙂 are you nervous? 400cc is a good size, I think I was allowed to go any size but cos I said I want a natural look he gave me two sizes incl 345cc and 325cc if I’d gone any bigger it would of looked stuck in…

    Ahh ok so you’ll be quite big after if your already a c….:D
    Be interested to see your progress after….
    Yeah I think ppl always look bigger in pics
    Oh god I hope so I really do, I don’t know why he decided on overs as most ppl have unders….
    Iv just put some pics up on a new post….thought I’d be brace and show you all lol xx

    Laura 143

    Im soo nervous its unreal! I just dont know what to expect n i think i have spent so much time on here thinking ohh they look right good etc that i havent actually thought about how my own will look if you know what i mean!? I have just seen your pics, i honestly dont think they look small on you, fair enough the side one there isnt much projection at the min but they are round the sides at the min so when they go in the pocket properly it should give more projection xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh bless ya yes I get what you mean, was the same!!! Used soo much energy looking at others you don’t think about yours so much…or you get a perception of what yours may look like and turn out opp like I did lol

    When is your op?honestly it’s not as bad you may think and or as scary, I was petrified and turn out fine….:)

    Really…. So that will happen even with overs? Xx

    Laura 143

    Its friday, i will fnd out my admission time today but will be going on my own which is scaring me even more. Sure i will be fine but its just scary! Lol. An yeah i definitely think that at the min you are overly worrying about it see so many on here like you that think they are too small ten a few weeks later they are back on feeling much better because they have changed so much. You are on 3 days in they will change so much over the next few weeks, im such an impatient person myself so i can see why you feel like you do but patience is the big thing with a BA xx

    Yvette 85

    Arww only a few days away haha yeah can’t be nice going on your own but at least you can rest properly, I couldn’t as had my partner and 1year old there…. but defo use it to recover!!!
    I think your kinda lucky in that respect but then it’s a big thing to go through so it would be nice to have company I spose …. can’t you get anyone to go with you?
    Yeah ha ha very impatient :/ bad trait lol
    I can’t believe after the first day the pain stopped and only had pain in my right boob after surgery then completely went… it’s crazy!!! Honestly your sail through it 🙂
    Have you got your bras?

    Laura 143

    I have my friend picking me up but she doesnt think she will be able to get the day off work an no one else that could come. Sure i will be ok though. I have just ordered a couple of bras but my surgeon uses strapping so i wont need a bra for the first week. Not looking forward to the strapping seen so many say how uncomfortable it is! Hope im like you with the recovery! Xx

    Jane marie 50

    yvette take a pic and put it against your before pic and you will see a big difference sometimes we forget what they looked like before 🙂 xxx

    Yvette 85

    I’m sure it will all work out for you….yeah have heard the strapping can be awful and itchy etc glad I didn’t have that….had drains and they were horrendous to remove as felt so weird and disgusting lol
    Think I’m recovering really well, I’m carrying on like normal, iv had to lid my daughter a couple times too as had no help since her dad left us the day of surgery so finding that really hard

    Yvette 85

    I didn’t take no befotes as couldn’t bare to look at my boy chest it made me feel crap :/ but yes I can kinda remember how they looked before lol xx

    Laura 143

    You should be able to get the pic that your surgeon took of you before, think you have to email them to request it xx

    Laura 143

    An i still cant believe your parnter left you like that! Unbelieveable!! How selfish can one person be… im sure he will try running back now bank holiday is over, i know where id be telling him to go aswell lol xx

    Yvette 85

    Oh ok I didn’t know that so might give that a try….don’t really want to look how I was without boobs lol
    I know…he said something nasty on way back home Sunday and reckons it was a joke, it wasn’t funny and it wasn’t a joke … I’m sick of being spoken to like it and it caused a row so then he left when we got home nd left our baby with no milk….honestly the bloke just thinks he’s something special and invincible …. no respect from him , yes I’m not perfect but I don’t say half the things he does…I’m the mother of his child he needs to grow up and show me some respect. He’s 6 yrs younger than me so that says a lot in itself xx

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