advice needed Started by: Chantelle

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  • Chantelle 64

    So I’ve had a proper hard look today at the girls and noticed a few things…. 1. My boobs aren’t as round or stuck on like other people’s 2. There’s a noticeable huge gap in the middle and 3. They are two different shapes… one is round and the other is square looking with a few ridges 🙁 by the 6dpo

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    I had the square shape on one but once I had the stitches out I noticed a massive difference..
    I think yours look great though!
    What sort of implants did you have?

    Laura 143

    Im 3dpo an still in strapping so i havent had chance to have a good look at mine yet but i can tell they are slightly different shapes. Its all part of the healing so just have to put up with that for a while. Your gap doesnt change so if you had a big gap before you will still have a gap with implants. When i was meassured up my gap was 2.5cm so that will stay the same but can make it look better or worse x

    Chantelle 64

    Yeah my right is an odd shape I must say lol but got a post op appointment on Wednesday so we will see then. I had round partials 240cc ultra high

    Sam 3

    I can’t comment as haven’t had mine done yet but what size did you go for? they look great to me x

    Sherrie 27

    I think they look great especially If you are only 6dpo. Haven’t had my surgery yet but from what I’ve read they have got lots more changing to do yet so try not to worry. Xx

    Chantelle 64

    I didn’t have much of a gap before lol x


    You have to also remember, boobs are sisters not twins. I have one higher than the other and she said she couldn’t do anything about it. 🙁
    It’s still early days hopefully they’ll change some more and you’ll love them 🙂

    Chantelle 64

    Hi sam I only had ultra high 240cc xxx

    And thank you sherrie xxx

    Thank you izzy for the reassurance hopefully they will look more like proper boobs soon xxx

    Chantelle 64

    Is it completley normal to have one bigger or fuller than the other?

    Chantelle 64

    Hey girls I was wondering if we can request to ask for a breast band to help push them together at my 7 day check up

    Yvette 85

    lol Chantelle you make me laugh ???? ???????? I don’t think it works like that hahaha xx

    Chantelle 64

    Why not hahaha worth a try lol xx

    sabrina 92

    Nothing makes the breasts go together that is todo with your measurements- a good bra will give u nice cleavage x

    Chantelle 64

    If I had thone measurements why wouldon’t I get offered mod plus? X


    You should have been told you’d have a gap she told me I’d have one due to having under the muscle, also you don’t necessarily want to wear a bra all the time with your new boobies you want to be happy with them, that’s why you had the surgery!
    I’d have a word with them about it see if there’s anything.. :/ x

    Meg 30

    As said by others, your boobs won’t change their shape when you have an augmentation. I’ve come to realise my boob with a nipple piercing is lower than the other, but my boobs were so small before that you really have to spend some time looking before you notice that was always the case.
    I want mine closer together, so many people seem to have this natural cleavage going on, but seems as though we’ll have to buy a decent bra to create it.
    I don’t possess as much boob love as I’d hoped if I’m honest, I think the first few months are a rollercoaster anyway.
    Also I had 400cc HPO xx

    Excuse the two pictures, edited and added another due to file size. Not intentional

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    sabrina 92

    They look great Meg.. and plenty of cleavage too. I think some people tell there surgeon what they want in the profile. My surgeon says d it wasn’t up to me it was to do with my chest measurements. But I bet I could of gone elsewhere and got HP. It’s very early days Chantelle your shape will change so much x

    Chantelle 64

    I’m only 8 days so I’m hoping they will come in a bit more even if it’s just a tad.. the size doesn’t bother me but obviously I’ve had boob greed but I’m a small girl so I don’t need big massive boobs. I’ve got UHP so I think the gap will be wider anyway and think they take longer to drop. X

    beccac123 16

    Your gap reminds me of mine! I didn’t think I had one either but I suppose I just could tell because they were so flat! I’m 3wpo now and they’re getting softer so I know I’ll be able to push them together but when I’ve tried on non wired bras they look silly as the middle is so flat x

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    Chantelle 64

    @beccac123 omg at least I’m not the only one.. my boobs look very similar to yours. I just want them to come in by an inch and I would be happy. What did you have? X

    beccac123 16

    Yeah me too! I had 425 overs x

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