Not liking the different shapes :-( Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    So i had my strapping off today at 5dpo. I knew before i went that it wasnt going to be an amazing instant result so i didnt let it bother me too much that thry are really odd!! But i have just had a shallow bath etc so took off my bra an the more i look at them the more i dont like them 🙁 my nipple on the left is pointing towards the floor the right is a little but not as bad the left is higher up but longer than the right so although the right isnt quite as high it as more projection at the top because its shorter… i feel too embarassed to even show my partner!! Please tell me this is normal i feel like crying right now 🙁 xx

    Meg 30

    Don’t freak out. Mine looked so weird. I had strapping on but they literally looked like pointing arrows. Photos should give you an idea of how they change.
    Photo 1 – day of surgery
    Photo 2 – 15dpo vs 29dpo

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    Laura 143

    So hard not to start freaking out though isnt it!? Even though i know its normal i still dont like to see my boobs looking like this lol xx


    Mine were exactly the same! Don’t be alarmed.. they get better. I didn’t show my boyfriend for 3 weeks I hated them so much! Xx


    It’s hard to see on the pics but my right one almost looked like it was on upside down because of the shape! They’re still not perfect but definitely getting there.. 4wpo tomorrow so still early days xx

    Meg 30

    Sorry didn’t realise they didn’t post.
    No I get you. I still think mine look weird. Give it time x

    First photo is the more recent picture. Having hell uploading photos today

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    Laura 143

    Both looking much better, i know patience is the key but thats something i lack lol. I just want them to at least look normal… cant wait till they settle more. Mine look quite big in comparison to your photos an we had the same so im wondering if alot of it is just swelling? What was you before? I was a 32c but all in the bottom noting at all up top xx

    Meg 30

    Yeah I know what you mean. I’ve posted a photo. Easier than trying to give you a size… pretty much non existent. As you’ll see I had nothing. I haven’t lost any size, they’ve just changed shape. You don’t lose size on overs as far as I’m aware xx

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    Laura 143

    Bet you feel so much better now then 🙂 i had unders, did you have overs? Xx

    Laura 143

    Had a look this morning and they actually look abit more even today so maybe the strapping i had on which had come lose, wasnt holding them where they needed to be because 1 day in my bra and they look a little better! Obviously both still high up where they are but they look in the same position now xx

    Meg 30

    Yeah mine are overs, you don’t lose size on overs. You do on unders because of drop and fluff. But it’s more the top you lose it from because the muscle is tightened, as it relaxes it fluffs over so you lose volume at the top but nowhere else.
    Ha, patience see! Glad you feel better today xx

    Laura 143

    Yeah i dont mind losing some at the top aslong as i dont lose at the bottom lol i think the bottom usually fills out a little more with fluff and drop anyway to give the more natural slope. And i know haha what a difference a day can make xx

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