Hello girls, I am 4 weeks post op today and I had 275cc mod partials. They started to drop and fluff which is amazing and my right one is totally fine. My left one however got to a funny shape and still feels the implant moving. Is this normal? Thanks in advance for any suggestions 🙂 x
I would get in touch with your nurse Hun as the same doesn’t look normal looks like your implant isn’t in the right place I could be wrong tho and it could be just that your implant is moving into the right place xxxx
Any girl here had this shape and then changed/ got back to a normal round boob shape? :s
Yeah I’d say to contact your nurse it could be completely normal but best to be on the safe side xxx
hey hun about 3 nights ago I had a look at my boobs like you do when u have new ones lol and I realised one was a lot different to what they have been but now they don’t look half as bad maybe give it a couple of days cuz iam 3wpo so I guess still got a lot of changing to do il post my wonky boob photo see what you think xx
Hi girls, hope I am using this thing properly, first time using it, just read this post. Did you contact the nurse and was it normal? I am having a bit of a freak out cause I’m 2 days post op and I had peak down my bra as you do lol and my left one looks huge compared to my right one. Looks very noticeable when peaking down the bra. I got 275CC round. Is it normal for one of them to be a bit bigger for a while? My friends say one of them could just be more swollen then the other? I was tempted to call the nurse but thought I would write on here first. Any answers would be much appreciated 🙂
@stephcp think your still a bit early, so think it’s pretty normal. I wouldn’t let it worry you yet.
I’m 9dpo and I still have one very hard compared to the other. I’m trying to keep myself chilled about it otherwise it will drive me mad lol
Just try and think each of them is a separate operation so they will not heal at the same time.
Famous words on this forum, just have some patience lol xx
@claudine I realised it about a around week 2 when the swelling went down and I started to see the fluff. It started to feel like the implant moves, or air is trapped. Is very difficult to describe it. I remember when I had surgery they told me we should treat them as 2 independent surgeries. My right boob dropped and fluffed the other one is the same height but I think hasn’t just fluffed yet.
I have my 6weeks check up next week so I will see what the nurse says…. did you have the same issue of mine? X
@chelsea, I think it’s mostly the angle from which I took the picture. From the front I think they look nice 🙂
I am just worried I am on week 5 now so not sure how much they will change 🙁
It’s totaly normal for one to be swollen more than the other, they will be up and down allover for the first few weeks girls don’t panic about it
(Alisons post was not about swelling it was about where the implant appears to be sitting)
Think of it like this, if you fell over and landed on your knees you wouldn’t expect both knees to be swollen to the exact same size with the same cuts or grazes on they would heal at different rates and one might be more injured than the other even though it happened during the same fall, your breast will heal at different rates as they are two seperate parts of your body, it can take weeks even months for them to settle try and focus on recovery and the benefits of the op further down the road, this really is though toughest part physicaly and emotionaly so try not to obsess over them everyday (allthough everyone does) it does seem a trend that once girls get to 2 or 3 weeks they get that stressed they start to just ignore them for a while and it works wonders xxx
Hi Alison, yes i have a similar issue mine was visible from 2 day though so right from the start, mine has remained but i can’t tell you how many girls i have seen on here hitting this same path at the stage your at now and having a great outcome in the end so try not to over worry and taint the great experience a BA should be, also you had overs right?? So it’s alot less likely that it’s a muscle problem (which im convinced mine is)
It could just be settling into it’s pocket at a totaly different time to the other breast, raise your concerns with MYA if you feel it will put your mind at rest but fast foward a week and this issue could be totaly erased, good luck with the rest of your recovery & let us know how you get on
(P.s, a girl had her op the same week as me 6 months ago and had the same problem as me and hers had healed dropped and fluffed beautifuly at 4 months so stay positive huni) xxxx
@claudine – thank you very much hun 🙂 I had under the muscle so I guess could easily be a muscle problem. Anyway I will see what the nourse says.
I am glad some of us is in the same boat hehe it kind of makes me feel so much better!! 🙂
And I totally agree with you, we shouldn’t really be obsessed or panicking – patience is the key. Plus I think we should simply be super grateful of the fact we managed to get through a BA and always keep in mind how we did look before.
Hope your recovery gets well too and thanks again alfor your message xx <3
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