Uneven breasts pre surgery Started by: Nancy B

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  • Nancy B 11

    Hi ladies
    I have my surgery booked for 29 November seems quite a way off
    Had something bothering me
    My left breastis slightly bigger then my right
    Dr Traynor has not mentioned having two different sized implants
    My pc has reassured me shes lovely shes said dr traynor knows what is best..but im worried
    Does anyone have the same issue and has this evened out after surgery with the same size implants
    Im worried im spending alot of money and not going to have even breasts after surgery

    Mae 79

    Hiya Nancy. I also had one slightly bigger pre surgery. My surgeon advised The difference wasn’t big enough to have different size implants. I’ve read on here that sometimes in this case They make the incision on the smaller/higher boob a bit lower, so it has further to drop I presume, as this should help even them out.
    Im not sure if I’m surgeron did this as Imi still have my dressings on. But my smaller/higher boobs incision does look slightly lower. I’m still early days 14dpo so yet to see if they will even out.
    If you are unsure definitely speak to your surgeon and get him to advise. Assymetry was a big thing for me wanting the ba. So hoping mine evens out xx

    Hannah 214

    Did you mention it when you saw him? Maybe go back and meet with him again and see what he says. That was my biggest concern so I had two different implants but even now I feel the smaller boob is still smaller 🙁 xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I had mr traynor 3 months ago now and I had one boob slightly lower then the other one and same with the nipple but I had same size implants in and can hardly notice it now we all have one boobs a lil diff to other one no one is symmetric Hun mr traynor is amazing and if he though it would make a diff having two diff implants he would do it xxx

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