Last Minute Panicking! Started by: Katie

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  • Katie 111

    I know it sounds silly but my op is on Friday and I’m having major anxiety! I’m not normally someone who panicks about things but I keep worrying that they’re going to cancel it for some reason once I’m there and I keep worrying that they might have ordered the wrong size implants so I can’t have the surgery. Did anyone else have these worries or am I just being ridiculous?

    Stacey 55

    I never got nervous about the actual recovery or being put to sleep because I was that worried that it would be cancelled and I never actually believed it was happening until I was walking to the surgery bit lol. Thankfully everything went to plan and I had my opp 3 hours after my admission time xx


    I am exactly the same! Mine is tomorrow and I am absolutley freaking out, I woke myself up at 4 this morning just thinking about it. I don’t know why but I keep thinking its not going to go ahead too and it is driving me crazy, I just want it done now!

    Katie 111

    @stacey that’s exactly what I’m like! The thought of surgery itself doesn’t worry me one bit. I’ve had an operation before so I’m not bothered at all about that or being put to sleep. I dont think I’ll calm down about it until I’m walking to the theatre, which is when most people normally panic lol
    I think what’s made me like this is when I emailed my PC a few weeks ago, I’d asked her what size implants had been ordered an she said 400 and 420 but on the 2nd consultation me and the surgeon had discussed me going to a bigger size than when we had our first consulatation, which would be 450-470. Then she came back and said ‘sorry the second sizes have also been ordered’ but it’s put loads of doubt in my mind so I’ve emailed her again today to confirm what exact sizes and profiles have been ordered.

    I have actually been having dreams about being in my gown and then the nurse coming to me saying I can’t have it done because there is something wrong with my blood tests! This op is actually taking over my life lol!! I hope it all goes okay for you though tomorrow, fingers crossed xx

    Gill 12

    Katie, I was exactly the same hun! I don’t worry about things normally and ive had my fair share of operations! but for some reason I was absolutely freaking out- sizes, whether overs were actually best for me, how I hadn’t noticed one boob bigger than the other but Mr Traynor had and hes put me down for two different sizes etc the list goes on!! I was waking myself up from the worry! but I honestly don’t know what I was worrying about beacause once I got there the nurses are lovely! its a chilled atmosphere too. my surgeon came to see me to mark me up and completely eased my mind! honestly its not worth the worry infact its quite enjoyable once you get to the hospital! Relax and just think on Friday you will have the boobs you’ve dreamed of :)) Good luck and enjoy the journey xxx

    Ellie 23

    I’m going to start panicking when I’m walking down to surgery!! Does anyone have any tips on how to not get over whelmed?!?! Is it quite common they cancel? Ive never heard of that before xx

    Katie 111

    @gill That’s reassuring to hear that from you, thank you so much! I’ve just heard back from my PC too and she’s confirmed that the sizes ordered are 450 tsx and 470 tsx so I feel more relieved now already.

    I’ve seen so many girls on here worrying about theatre and surgery and so many girls have said they were laughing by the time they’d walked down to theatre cos the anaesthetist is so funny and puts you at ease! I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine. Regarding surgery being cancelled, a few girls have put on here that they’ve had it cancelled on the day for one reason or another, such as mentioning doubts over the sizes they’re having or not following the pre op rules before surgery. I’m sure they’re few and far between but it still worries me for some reason xx


    Hey Katie just thought I’d try and put your mind at ease a bit if I can… I couldn’t fault today at all the staff were absolutley perfect, I was shaking on the way down there but as soon as I met my nurse she really calmed me down and I was fine after that, my mum was able to stay with me at all times apart from the op obviously and I didn’t know they did this but they rang her while she was downstairs to tell her to come back up so I could go back in and her already be there, it was so thoughtful (the wimp I am was apparently asking for her as soon as I opened my eyes haha) cups of teas on tap! The only tests that were done were a pregnancy tests, blood pressure and temperature so from that I would of thought any problems that would arise they’d let you know before and I did call yesterday and made up some random question I didnt even need to know and before I hung up I just said can you double check everything is good to go please and she said all was fine so that made me feel a bit more positive! Honestly though it’s so true that everyone says it goes quickly, it really does and I would do it all again in a heart beat! Good luck and enjoy it xxx

    Katie 111

    Ah thank you @Laura that’s so reassuring to me! I feel a bit calmer and positive today actually. I still can’t believe that I’m getting them done tomorrow, it just doesn’t feel real to me lol
    I’m really glad everything went well for you though. You’ll have to keep us updated with your progress and pics! xx

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