Bra problems Started by: Jackie

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  • Jackie 144

    Hi everyone I’m nearly 8 months post op xx opted for wiggle shock absorber bras since coming out of my Macom bra as I’ve got massive boobs lol xxx I’m wearing 32hh I’ve done my B.O.B measurements and it’s tilling me I’m a 30J Soooooo I’ve ordered some bras and ordered 30J and 32hh but they don’t seem to fit properly around the boobs with the 30J the wire digs in my arm pit which means to me that the cup size is too big but I try the 32hh underwire bras and I’m exploding out of it !!! I’m wondering if underwired bras are not meant for big implants or do I keep trying ? I mean my wiggle bras are super comfy and hold me in and give me plenty of support but if I go out I’m limited what I can wear as they’re super high at the front
    Anyone else feel the same xx ?

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I’m also thinking that wired bras are not meant for bigger implants either I’m only a 36f but had 600cc and can not find a bra that fits right I’m having the same problems as you aswell I’ve resulted in just where non wired ones at the min till I hopefully find a decent right fitted wired bra xxx

    Rhian 19

    Jackie did you get a fit check from B.O.B? They usually help with styles as well as sizes, they do private ones if you don’t want to post your pics. I can’t wait to measure mine haha xx

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