Thought I would share my progress with you all!
I was a very empty 34A beforehand, had my surgery on Friday evening. I was originally going to have 350cc high-profile partials, although he changed them to 325cc after trying the 350cc’s in theatre and saying they didn’t look right – I’m so glad he changed them when he said they didn’t look right, as I’m quite slim and I wanted them to look natural and suit my shape.
I was in quite a bit of pain when I woke up from the op and I had horrid room spin and nausea, but they gave me some IV fluids and some anti-sickness and it worked a treat, she gave me a cup of tea and that did the trick and perked me up a lot – just proves tea solves everything haha! I was so well looked after, they were all amazing!
I’ve been really good with my painkillers which has helped a lot. I do get the odd tightness and twinges in my incisions but it soon passes. My chest muscles are sore and it makes it difficult to do simple things like get out of bed on your own, flush the toilet, open doors etc. But every day I’ve been able to do more and more, and I find it’s easier to keep moving as often as you can (without overdoing it) otherwise you seize up and that’s painful.
I have always been a side sleeper so I was dreading sleeping on my back but every night seems to be getting a bit easier, the V pillow helps too!
I’ll attach a before picture, a few hours after the op and 2 days post op. I can’t believe how much the swelling went down after two days! Obviously I’m still quite swollen, they’re still hard and tight, they are like cones and are very much under my armpit, BUT they’re changing every day and I’m very happy with them so far but I am really excited for them softening and dropping some more!
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