8dpo progress pics Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    After what felt like the longest 8 days of my life I finally feel relaxed and very happy ???? This first week hasn’t been as easy as I thought, I think I went through every emotion possible and really started to doubt I made the right dicision but by day 5 I started to feel more myself again! Still early days and please ignore the redness (I had an allergic reaction to the awful strapping) both of these pictures were taken this morning 8dpo, I had the strap off early due to the reaction and I have been too scared to have a look properly, I can already see one has started dropping more than the other so I’m trying not to look too much into but I am in love!


    And thank you to everyone who replied to my last post when I was feeling a bit down! I really appreciated the advise and support, ice packs saved my life!! Xx


    They look amazing!! How were you when you hAd the strapping removed? Did they feel heavy? I have mine removed Saturday xx


    Amy-Belle thank you! It felt so strange I felt like I had to walk really slow everywhere because they just didn’t feel secure haha and yea very heavy, I haven’t kept my bra off for long periods of time just because it does feel so strange being used to them being strapped up. Hoping as the time goes on I’ll just get used to them. It was the weirdest thing knowing you have them but not being able to see them. Good luck I hope you love them xx


    I took my bra off to change it and thought my boobs were gonna fall off hahaha ???? I hope so. I love them already! Did it hurt having the strapping removed? I pulled abit yesterday and it’s stuck on like superglue.

    What are your incisions like? Xx

    Laura 143

    Such a weird feeling after the strapping is removed, i was the same walking slow didnt like the feeling at all. I expected my first shower to be like heaven after not showering in over a week!! But it was horrible lifting my arms to wash my hair with no bra on felt like my implants were going to bust out of the bottom lol quickest shower i have ever had couldnt wait to get my bra back on lol xx

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