Hubby Started by: Hayley

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  • Hayley 13

    Hi lovely ladies I am booked in for tomorrow 12th october will my hubby be allowed to stay in my room with me till I go down for surgery I am at Preston xxx


    Yes he will. Then when you go to theatre he will have to go to the waiting bit until you’re out. Good luck for your op tomorrow babe xx

    Hayley 13

    Thank you getting very excited now xxxx


    I bet! How are you feeling post op Hayley? I hope everything went fab xx

    Hayley 13

    I am feeling really good. Did have some post op problems with breathing and heart rate so was kept in overnight my own fault has I didn’t tell them I had been poorly for 2 weeks with bad throat and chest. Only pain at moment is throat and mouth think its the antibiotics boobies are doing fine and look amazing. I will send some pics once they settle. Poor Dr had a big job on with them has I had a lot of scaring from previous breast surgery my scars are a lot longer then normal due to him having to remove a lot of skin. He did say there might still be a bit of asmetry has the smaller side wouldn’t allow a bigger implant was a mess in there but if I am honest they look great and all I ever wanted was a cleavage since the age of 18 I am now 43 and I’ve finally got one . So glad I did this again feel bloody amazing xxx

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