Side boob Started by: Georgia

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  • Georgia 3

    I’m 3 weeks post op. I had 385 and 365 unders . My implants look very much like they are to much to the side. If I lift my arms up my side boob is kind of under the armpit so it feels like they need to come forward more round to the front . Will they drop and come more round to he front as I had unders ? Just feels like I need to push them to the front if that makes sense ? X

    Kirsty 37

    It depends what profile you had and your back size… some implant project more to the front rather than the side


    Hey, ur boobs are still up near ur armpits because they haven’t fully dropped yet. Ur very early post op. Until ur 6/7 weeks post op ur implants are still falling down into the pockets made by ur surgeon.

    Once they’re fully dropped and in place they will be able to fit into wired bra cups, they begin to fluff out and get more volume.

    It’s too early to judge ur final outcome. I had mod + unders and mine are not under my armpit. I do have side boob however I had tht before I had my op also. I’m ten months post op today and the changes u go through are massive so don’t judge or fret them atm. Hope tht helps u!

    Georgia 3

    I’m not sure what I had I just know the size. I didn’t know all about the diff types to be honest until I read this forum . I do have a curve in my back so had two diff sizes as my left side is pushed out more by my ribs because of my back so that boob looked bigger. It’s my smaller side where I feel it’s more under the arm but wasn’t sure if it was to do with my spine and my posture. I was hoping it was going to fall into place as time goes on like you said. Thank you ladies x

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun don’t worry one they settle and drop they will move round and won’t feel like there sitting in your armpits mine where the same when I first had them done I could accuslly feel them with arms they where that far in my armpits xxx

    Georgia 3

    Thanks Stacey that’s how mine feel I can feel them with my arms as well. Xx


    It’ll defo go down hun. If there is an issue with dropping due to ur muscle being too tight and not accepting the implant which can happen with unders (my friend Donnaxx had this issue or similar) they will pick it up on ur 6 wk checkup very latest 3 month check up fxx

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