Help! 12 weeks PO and no contact since 2 weeks Started by: Jane

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  • Jane 7

    Hi everyone. I’m really frustrated, had really kind nurse who I saw twice in first 2 weeks and then tshr cancelled my 3rd appointment twice, second time being day before when I’d already paid for kids to go to camp so I could go ???? I’ve tried contacting her 3 times in 10 days and no response. Want to know when my check up is, when I can start wearing normal bras and not sleeping on my back. Anyone got any ideas please? TIA XX

    Ali 7

    @zetaw hello, sorry you’ve had no contact that’s poo! I went for my 6 week check up on Tuesday and asked all these questions. My nurse said I can do everything as normal as long as I feel comortable doing so. I’m allowed to get measured and then wear normal bras whenever I want, she said even if I don’t want to wear a bra I don’t have to. You can sleep on your side from 6WPO as well, you’ll be fine now xx

    Shelly love 22

    That’s quite bad Hun .. have you contacted head office ? Hope someone reply’s and sees you soon . X

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun you should of had a 1 week 2 week and 6 week so with nurse then a 12 week ap with your sugoen you can sleep back to normal from 6 weeks post op wearing normal bra from 6 weeks but keep sports bra on for bed till see sugoen at 12 weeks post op and it all depends on what he says after that xxx

    Jane 7

    Thanks Ali! Yes it is poo – just don’t want to do anything that risks wasting all that money. Bought some high impact bras cos I’m desperate to start running again but they didn’t feel that supportive really so I could do with someone checking before I do anything. I’ll sleep on my side tonight though! Xx

    Jane 7

    Hi Shelly, I can’t find the contact here to contact anyone – only the online enquiry? X

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