1DPO Started by: Charlotte Brown

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    Hey girls

    Had my surgery with dr lutz yesterday, couldn’t have asked for anything to go as good as it did yesterday was such a smooth running day and from being petrified about being put to sleep it was literally a breeze! Don’t know what I was scared for! But I’ve woke up today and my left boob it’s very very sore! Only one though and it’s like a burning sensation but really bloody painful ???? Any advise other than keep on top of my pain killers? X

    Lydia 85

    @charlbrown I had the same. It started 2dpo and only stopped about 2 days ago. I’m 2wpo now. Make sure you keep on top of the painkillers and take them during the night if you wake up too. I wrote down the times that I took mine so I’d remember what I’d taken and when. I was given cocodamol and ibuprofen so alternated them every two hours at first. The pain is usually worse first thing in the morning too. Give the nurse a call if you’re not 100% sure if it’s normal or not.


    Ah thank you babe that’s made me feel loads better pain was excruciating this morning wanted to take the boobs off haha!! Yeah I didn’t take none during the night last night but I wasn’t in pain yesterday so I’ll do that tonight! Thank you x

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