Anxiety about being put to sleep!!! Started by: Sophie Jude

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  • Sophie Jude 13

    My op is booked for January and I’m really looking forward to it but beginning to get nervous already about being put to sleep!!!!
    I’ve never had GA before and the thought of it freaks me out.
    I do tend to get myself worked up over nothing but just wanted some advice/ experiences and wondered if anyone else leading up there BA if they got anxiety and was worried too? And also how you handled it on the day???

    Any advice/ experiences would be appreciated x

    Sarah 19

    Hiya Sophie, I loved it !!! (Weird I know) , she literally said night night Sarah , felt a little woozy feeling for like 3 seconds and woke up with boobs !! Haha , it happened so fast I didn’t have time to think about it , I woke up thinking where the hell am I , but I felt great after , ate a panini and drank 2 cups of tea , I suffer really bad with anxiety but I just kept thinking boobies and I was fine, honestly it’s over so quick you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about x

    Eveie 23

    I had never been put to sleep before and was freaking toght out. Iy was fine… they give you this “oxygen” (dont actually know what it was) and it made me feel drunk for about 10 seconds and before i knew it i was waking up talking to myself. Its quite daunting walking into the theatre and getting onto the bed but its all over in a few minutes xx


    Hi honey. Completely normal to be anxious about GA. I see it on a daily basis as I work in a hospital but still had my own anxieties around it.

    I was Asleep before I even knew they’d given me anything. The anaesthetists were absolutely amzing and it was the best sleep I had. Even dreamt I’d gone to hospital to have my boobs done.

    If you let them know you are feeling anxious about they’ll do their very best to put you at ease. Xxxx

    Kirsty 24

    Heya ,
    Im booked in for January too. In London
    Im so excited about it and have wanted kf cld yeads but Id kept putting it off due to be scared off the anasthetic 🙁
    My friend had it done and said she loved it and it was a really nice feeling

    JohanneB 9

    Hey lovely
    This was my big worry when I first booked my appointment. I have suffered with sever anxiety in the past and was worried it would resurface but reading everyone elses experiences has really helped me to rationalise things. My surgery day is now tomorrow and although I am nervous I am way more excited to meet my new best friends!

    Cayler 56

    Omg I was freaking out – that’s the only part I was panicking about really and honestly I absolutely loved it :’) – if I could experience GA daily I would hahaha, it’s the best! Honesty don’t worry about it jusy enjoy! I can’t believe how worked up I got for something so enjoyable haha! Xxxx

    Sarah 64

    I too am anxious about the GA as I’ve never had any anaesthetic before but my mum is allergic to anaesthetic. She has had local and general and had strong delayed reaction to both, on all 4 times. I’m not sure if anaesthetic allergy runs in families? But just going to make the anaethnetist aware and fingers crossed I’ll be ok
    You’ll be ok too, but totally understand your anxiety x

    Kellie 44

    @vogue2016 i am also having surgery in january & this is only thing that scares me, i literally can not sleep at night because of it 🙁 xx


    I have my surgery on 19th July and I’m so nervous about the GA! I’ve never been put to sleep before and I just keep panicking what if I don’t wake up! ???? it sounds so silly but think it’s because it’s all so unfamiliar!


    I was really nervous about going under GA but it honestly wasn’t bad at all

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