18weeks post op 600cc overs Started by: Stacey

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  • Stacey 498

    18weeks post op now as you can see I’ve got a few stretch marks some where from befor and some are news ones not overly bothered by them as they will fade

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    Chloe 122

    Wow they look amazing!!! I’m about 12weeks now one seems to have dropped slightly more than the other over the last week did urs do that at this later stage? Mine have been the same pretty much all the time but I don’t look daily I just love having boobs lol XX

    Stacey 498

    @littlec87 thank you I barley look at them either I’m like you kist glad to have a pair of boobs now lol and they did as you can see from photo I have one slightly higher still but it’s starting to even it’s self put slowly people think cos we get the al clear at 6 weeks that they should be all settled and healed and it’s not the case they can take up to a year to see the full results mine chAnge all the time xxx

    Lydia 85

    @staceymlx they look great! In the time that I’ve been on the forum I’ve seen loads of comments and advice from you on posts and just want to say thanks for everything! Ive never needed to ask any questions because you’ve always been there to answer everything that’s already been asked. Hope all goes well with the rest of your recovery xx

    Stacey 498

    @lydiamay thanks you I found this forum site a life saver while I was researching and recovering so it’s nice to try and help other woman as much as I can xxx

    Shelly love 22

    They look amazing Hun x

    Stacey 498

    @rochelle123 thanks Hun I hope your recovery is going ok xxx

    Shelly love 22

    It was tough first couple of days . Was so sore for me . 10DPO and feeling so much better . Can move around more and finally feeling myself . Been bit hard with the kids and don’t think that has helped . But hay Iv got amazing boobs lol there’s nothing to complain about lol xx.

    Stacey 498

    Aw yeah that’s why I found the hardest trying to look after the kids and all worth it for amazing boobs lol xxx

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