Anyone with similar stats please? Started by: Myboobjourneyuk

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    Hi girls.

    I’m 5”6, 59kg and currently a 34a although I wear a b in super padded primary bras haha

    I asked to be a large C. Absolutely no bigger than a D. I’ve been recommended 400cc.

    Has anyone got the same/similar stats to me? If so what cc have you been recommended and what size have you been told that would achieve?
    If you’ve had your op and wouldn’t mind, could you please share some photos so I can get an idea of what my results could be

    Thank you xx

    Victoria 12

    Hi Georgina,

    I am 5’4, 66kg and a 34A (not full at all)

    However, I am hoping to achieve a DD/E!

    I am due to meet with my surgeon on the 25th so once I have been I will come back and let you know what CC size, projection etc he has recommended and that may help you?



    I’m 5ft 4 (so quite a bit shorter) and am approx 49kg
    I’m an a cup and have been told that 300cc is the max
    Another surgeon said 275 was max!

    Not that I know, but I should think that if you got 400cc you would be at least a D.
    But as I said I’m pre surgery and I’m not a surgeon so I don’t know

    Lydia 85

    @georginaa-2 I was a 32a, 52kg, 5’4″ and asked to be a C/D. I had 320cc uhp partials 2.5 weeks ago and I’m currently wearing a 34c (32d equivalent) sports bra. Think I’m going to end up being a large C/small D so I’d say for your size and 400cc it’ll probably be about the same x


    @msvikkki yes please. That would be really helpful if you could keep me updated 🙂

    ah okay. That sounds pretty reassuring then! I’ve been ready so many post on here about 400cc girls ending up with dd/e even f! I was freaking out but they are all smaller than me so hopefully my mum bod will mean they don’t end up so big haha

    Thanks girls x

    Lydia 85

    I’m yet to be measured but I’ve read on here that implants measure bigger than they look. It’s probably why a lot of people are saying they’re a DD+

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