Similation?? Started by: Myboobjourneyuk

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    When I went to my surgeon consultation he showed me a simulation of what I would look like with the implants all done.
    I forgot to take a picture so was just wondering if any of you know a website or something that shows similar??

    You know like one of those ‘try out haircuts on your face’ things …. but for boobies haha

    Thanks in advance

    genna 14

    Awww I wish I could of seen a simulation… I didn’t know this was possible Xxx

    Violet 21

    Didn’t know mya offered this!

    Stacey 498

    Mya don’t offer this Hun she must be with a different company xx


    @sineadviolet sorry I should’ve mentioned I’m not with MYA.
    I was told not even all the surgeons with the company I have chosen do it, so I think I just got lucky. It’s the strangest thing to see!

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