Oooh girls I’m up AGAIN 🙁 can you send me some pics of how you all place your pillows in bed please? I just can’t get it!!! Waking up being so stiff and burning is taking its toll and this bloody breast band is horrible!!!
Sorry for the moan xx
Aw I really feel for you, I was the same for the first few days. I had four pillows like a hill then my V pillow then another pillow across the V. I’ll get a pic when I get home tonight. I found having a pillow under my thighs helped too! It gets easier, trust me 🙂 xxx
Hi @katie I am exactly the same last 2 nights I have woke up a few times through the night to move. I keep moving down the bed in my sleep and wake up so uncomfortable and stiff but more in my right side it’s strange. I also have a pillow under the back of my knees but that dosnt seem to help. I am 5days post op today. X
Aww bless you, this post made me giggle slightly as your not wrong at all. The pain is real lol especially the burning.
My best advice is to sleep on the couch. I only went in the bed on the first day and by the evening I was on the couch due to me finding it so much easier there. I’ve found by wedging myself in its more comfortable. Try not to sleep in the day either. I’m up and about 3DPO and feel ok so it’s allowing me to sleep well at night.
I find when I sit up straight I can feel the blood in my nipples and the bubbling too.. it’s such a strange feeling isn’t it! Xx
I couldn’t get comfy on my bed no matter witch way I’d layed or how I put my pillows I had two v pillows a back rest I tried everything for a few days in the end I sleep on the settee for the two weeks and had the best sleep ever I went back in the bed when I could lay flat on my back xxxxx
I also slept on the sofa for the 1st week. And used icepacks when the burn came. I founf day 3 and 4 the worst for pain. However on day 5 the pain just went and never came back. Hope its the same for you! I was regretting it so much whilst the pain was bad but it doesnt last long, honestly xx
Aww thanks girls I’ve just woke up on the sofa and felt much better!! Going to make some ice packs today I think! I also slid down flat the first night and omg the pain when I woke up! I think I’m tensing myself to make it better but I’m making it worse haha!!
I’ve had no issues with my right until today just keep getting stabbing pains close to my nipple-I know it’s all completely normal just wish it would hurry up and fix haha! I’m fine in the day up and about doing the dishes etc just close to bed time and the mornings I am struggling! The left on the other hand – the pains where the drain was ( nurse was pulling and tugging for a good 10 mins trying to get it out!!)
Hope you’re all feeling ok girls, thanks for replying xx
What were the drains for? I’ve had my nipple tucked so I’ve got all sorts of sensations but I’m literally so much better now. Day 1 was the worst but I’ve done really well all in all xx
I believe they are just to get rid of excess fluid after the op not all surgeons use them. The right one was great just popped out then the left-wow my mum was watching the nurse and said it was in a good 10inches and it just wouldn’t come out!!!
Oh wow Jennie really? What happens with the tuck? Bet that feels really strange!! I can feel my right nipple fine- quite sensitive actually but have no feeling in the left one! My nurse rang me this morning again also the day after the op which was lovely ( more than I can say for my PC) anyone else had no contact from theirs?
Oh really, that sounds quite painful :/ my surgeon doesn’t use them, I remember asking but as soon as he said no I didn’t enquire anymore about them.
So basically I had slightly tubular breast best way to explain that is they was kinda pointy. Once he put the implant in he was concerned they would still look tubular so he’s cut away the top part of my nipple and stitched it up! I don’t actually know what they look like yet! Honestly though I didn’t think that mine could possibly look so good after me being so unhappy with them. I thought all these women on here with perfect implants are so lucky but mine are the exact same and perfect! I just didn’t think it was possible. I totally love them and my recovery has been amazing. I’ve had a bath today washed my hair and I’m officially sat up on the couch.
I hacnt heard from anyone, I’ve got my week check up on Friday… to be honest I was so drowsy on Friday after the op I don’t remember anything. So I assumed I would of had stuff wrote down and maybe some paper work for home but no.
I had to email my pc for the appointment on Friday :/ xxx
Oooh wow that sounds amazing!! So glad you’re happy!! I have just had a shallow batch and shaved my legs was heaven!! Defo need a hair wash at some point haha and I’m desperate for some gel on my nails!! Ah perhaps the nurse will give you a call soon then hopefully! I just had my tablets given to me with my implant booklet ( with the implant serial numbers on which I’m going to take to my 1 week check on Friday and see if the nurse will register them for me) and a letter I need to give to my GP . Which clinic did you go? Xx
What does she want when she rings lol?
I’ve been fine thank fully but I guess it would of been nice to if had a call.
I’ve got a boobie twin that had hers done after me Friday by same surgeon so we’ve really helped each other through the last few days. When did you have yours done and I haven’t read that booklet shall I take mine too? I’m at the Leeds clinic and had them done at newton willows xx
I painted my nails day 1 and I’ve braided my sisters hair today. I’m literally so good today I just feel like I’ve been to the gym and pulled some muscles xx
Glad you had a bath and feel better I do too so nice isn’t it xx
She was just asking how I went on and how I was feeling etc and checking I’m still up to my 1week check up! I would take your booklet just in case as I have read they do have to be registered for any future needs, won’t harm I suppose!! Ah that’s good about your twin always nice to have a chat with someone! Both of my older sisters had theirs done a few years ago so they have been a massive help!! Xx
YEah I’ll take it and see what they say, I just assumed they was registered already I didn’t realise we have to do it.
My mum had hers done 5 yrs ago now so she’s looked after me although I’m completely fine compared to her. Mums like to be dramatic don’t they ???? haha xx
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