Hey Girls!! I’m 3 weeks PO today. I had 375cc unders mod plus. I’m happy but looking forward to the drop and fluff process. Intrigued to see how others are looking. Mine are still swollen, tight, hard and bit square. I’m only 3 weeks so hoping they will get closer together, a bit softer and bigger! They’re not as big as I expected! I’m tiny! Like size 4, I was completely flat chested, I’m 5.2ft and I thought they would have been bigger! Especially for my size! I’ve seen pictures of 275 look bigger than mine. Also, I never really asked for a particular profile, i would have liked high profile but I got given mod plus so I’m worried they’re gonna be too flat. Am I just worrying for nothing? – Other peoples stories would really help right now 🙂
Pictures attached. 1 week then 2 week PO (Will do week 3 pic tonight) The stretch marks are from having a beautiful baby boy
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