5 days post op, one considerably bigger! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hi girls, I had 300cc in my left & 325cc in my right, high profile overs last Friday! My right has always been the slightly smaller boob but now it has the bigger implant in it’s huge compared to my left?!?! Everyone I show that’s the first thing they notice 🙁 any reassurance that this will change? Really don’t want to have to have revision 🙁 Xx

    Jennie 28

    Hi Hun, I had my op on Friday too and same size implants as you. I think we are still to early to judge them just yet.
    Try think positive about it and just give them time 🙂 xx

    Laura 143

    Hi i have seen this on here loads of times that the smaller one is alot bigger its just down to swelling an the implant been harder to get in because it was smaller. It will sort its self once the swelling goes down xx

    Stacey 498

    It’s totally normal Hun it’s all the swelling from the op they will settle eventually and even out cx

    Priya 5

    I had the same size implants as you but they other way around and I was exactly the same. I’m 15dpo now and it’s still slightly bigger but I can see them starting to even out xx


    Thanks girls, it’s so hard not to start worrying especially when other people point it out ahhh!! It’s reassuring that they start the even out Xxx

    Jennie 28

    Some people are so judgemental. Ignore comments, plus your only 5 DPO and me being the same I know how much mine have changed each day! They will never be the exact same, mine certainly wasn’t before anyways.
    Enjoy your boobs and let them settle 🙂 xx

    Jen 107

    @bethalex if you had the different size implants to even them out then it will just be swelling and your littler boob trying to get to grips with the bigger implant. Also I don’t know if this applies but the boob on your more dominant side goes down quicker i.e left/right handed. My rights way ahead of my left at the moment and I’m only just over 2WPO but I have a very physical lifestyle. Hang in there and give them time, try not to worry and ignore what everyone else says! xxx top pic shows 1WPO where they are fairly even and below is 2WPO where my right is on its way down ahead of my left (also note absence of sunbed use haha!) xxx

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    @jsmily Omg they’re a lovely shape! They look so good! That’s a good point, I had 325 in my smaller boob, ahhh it’s so hard isn’t it! I’ve got a bad habit of comparing too haha, my boobs don’t even look like proper boobs yet so I keep looking at others 5 days post op thinking oh no what’s wrong with me!! Thankyou for the reassurance Xxxx

    Samaj003 16

    Oh god…my left one was huge compared to my right one…5 wpo and they are (slowly) evening out.

    Mae 79

    I had same size implants in both even tho I had a bigger one. I’m 7wpo and my smaller boob Is noticeably bigger and different shape to pre my op bigger boob ????
    Going to see my surgeon tomo to find out what’s going on! Xx

    Louise 38

    @jsmily your boobs look so amazing!

    what size were you before and what are you measuring now? also what profile are you …

    Jen 107

    @louiseemilyx aww thank you! I was an empty B cup before following breastfeeding. I had 350cc HP unders in both, which is a predicted DD but I won’t be able to get measured for another few weeks yet xxx I’ll attach a before picture xx

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    Georgia 3

    I had bigger in the right and smaller in the left. 365 and 385 . My bigger boob side was bigger and I was worried the bigger implant had been put in the wrong side. I asked at my two week check and was told no. I’m just 5 weeks post op and the bigger side is going down. It’s still slightly bigger. My right side has dropped quicker so could be why . It’s a very emotional journey I have found and not one I was expecting. I try not to look to much as you can easily get anxious comparing. I have my 6 week check when I’m 7 weeks not sure why but hoping by then I will be more even. I don’t think everyone has the perfect identical pair we all wish for x


    Hi Hun. Totally normal & far too early to think about revision. This is mine 6 days post op. I had 50cc difference in mine and the smaller implant was the biggest most swollen boob! (I had 450&500cc)

    & this is them now at 4 weeks 3 days post op. They will change and settle. Hope this eases your mind xx

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