Worried about scars and indent Started by: Charlotte

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    So I’m 4 months po and although my boobs have dropped I’m worried about my scars, they seem very high in comparison to everyone else po pics. I’d say they’re 2 inches too high and not under my breast fold? Also on my left I have an indent about half way down my cleavage. Hoping this isn’t CC, I had 360 unders ultra high profile. Has anyone had any similar problems I’m stuck on what to do, I’ve lost about half a stone so wondering if my weight has effected them and know that gaining weight can help with rippling if that’s what it is x

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    Hi babe, I’d deffo go back & speak to your surgeon, I’d say personally it looks like your implant is bottoming out!! Hope you’re okay Xx

    Lydia 85

    I was going to say the same thing because your nipples seem quite high. If you search for it on here you’ll probably find pics of similar x

    Mae 79

    Hey Hun id also say bottoming out?
    Go and speak to you surgeon and get it checked out! Hope you’re ok xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I would go speak with mya and get an ap with your sugoen Hun and from your photo I would say that your implant has bottomed out xxx

    Chloe 122

    I agree with the other ladies xx

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