Overs drop & fluff? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girls, I’m 9 DPO 300 & 325 HP overs, haven’t seen many girls who have had overs so just looking for some advice really!! When did they start changing? Did they get bigger as they fluffed out? Xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I’m nearly 5 months post op with 600cc mine defo changed I can’t say they got bigger tho as I haven’t felt that mine did much dropping and fluffing altho they have only just started to feel and act like normal boobs now so they must of been doing something haha they defo dropping just not much of a fluffing xxx

    Claire 92

    I agree, deffo dropping not so much fluffing. Although I could be wrong as post op a 34dd sports bra fit lovely and 7 weeks on I’m a 30G. Could just be due to having the back size wrong tho xx


    Aw thanks girls, it’s hard to find people who have had overs so I have no idea!! Xxx

    Hollie 13

    I wouldn’t say they got bigger but they definitely look bigger than they did at first when I look at pictures, mine really started to soften and drop around 3wpo xx

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