Weird feeling in right breast Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 143

    Im 9 weeks post op today, i have notice a strange feeling in my right breast alot this week! Like i feel the inplant moving alot, like it kind of grinds my ribs sometimes. Its a really strange feeling an hard to explain but i dont get this with my left so i dont feel that its normal, obviously i do feel my left move sometimes but its not the same sensation as what im feeling in my right an its alot more often that it happens, i feel like the right pocket is too big an thats why its shifting so much more on that side? My right implant is also feeling very very low like when i take off my bra i feel like its going to either fall out or drop down under like a double bubble?? My left one isnt as far down into the breast but that one is still dropping slightly. As anyone else ever had this? Xx

    Shell 6

    I get the same feeling when I take my bra off- horrible isn’t it?! Have been panicking about double bubble. Also feel that they’re kind of in my armpits a bit. Considering getting a different bra! xx

    Laura 143

    Sorry for the late reply, @shelleybean. Yeah its a weird feeling but your only a few weeks post op so its quite normal to feel like that at your stage. Not so normal at 10weeks post op though i dont think. We had the same surgeon, im going to see him in 3 weeks so will see what he says xx

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I had this type feeling around the 9-10 week mark aswell when I spoke to the nurse she said it was totally normal as implant was sit settling and dropping into its place properly it most of being normal tho as I’m nearly 6 months post op now and everything fine xxx

    Shell 6

    You’re still pretty early stages in the grand scheme of things really @lauraj1987 so might not be anything to panic about. Fingers crossed, hope it’s positive news in 3 weeks. Let me know how you get on if you can xx

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