Hospital bag Started by: Charlie keenor

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    Want to start gathering my hospital stuff together but don’t have a clue what I should take, I am only a day case patient.. what would you girls advise?

    Sophie 38


    I was a day case too, currently 15DPO. All I took was my phone, charger, magazine and some chocolate for after the op. There’s a tv in the room to keep you occupied too. Also had a v pillow in the car for the way home. Good luck 🙂 xx

    Demi 25

    Havent had mine done but what ive seen
    *V shape pillow for car ride home if its along drive to keep you comfy
    *mya notes
    *id just incase
    *something sugary like chocolate and lucazade to keep ur sugar levels up to stop being sick

    * your post op bra like macom
    * easy clothes so zip up hoody or button top ‘ leggings slip on shoes
    *phone -charger take pics before hand
    * magazines whilst waiting
    *bobble no metal in it to tie hair up
    *car park money if london seen people oay around £40 if london
    *roll on deodrant
    *make up wipes to remove makeup if u forget before u go


    How did you find going home the same day? I feel puzzled how I’m gonna be ok enough to go home lol… and as you are 15 days post op whats the pain like now I’ve taken 15 days off work but worried I won’t be ready to go back in that time.. xx


    Thank you Demi that was a great help. Hope your operation goes well

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