500cc with Gary Traynor, tips.. advice? Started by: Gemlouiseb

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  • Gemlouiseb 3

    Hi everyone, my operation is booked for next week 14th November! Starting to feel very nervous now.

    I am booked in with Gary Traynor, absolutely loved how blunt & honest he was and instantly felt I picked the right surgeon.

    Im just kinda worried that they won’t be as nice as I’m expecting, although anything would be better than what I have now which is 2 deflated balloons lol.

    I’m not getting an uplift but I’m panicking thinking I don’t want saggy big boobs. I do feel like mine are saggy after having my first child. Has anyone got any pics before & after of breasts similar to my shape?

    I’m getting 450cc in my right breast and 500cc in my left. I’m currently 5 foot 8 inches tall, weight 12 stone and I’m a empty c cup.

    Thanks guys xx

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    Jen 107

    Hi Gemma! Congratulations on booking your surgery, it’s nearly here! I am 5’9″/10″ and my boobs looked fairly similar to yours before from breastfeeding my little girl for 6 months and I was also an empty C cup although MYA did put me as a B at consultation. Are you having overs or unders? I have before and after pictures if you’d like to see them, Ive had 350 HP unders xxx

    Stacey 498

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    Hi Hun I had Gary traynor nearly 6 months ago now I had 600cc I’m also 12 stone 5,5 here is my befor and after pic xxx

    Stacey 498

    Pre op is too photo post op is 5 months post op

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    Stacey 498

    An other postvop photo as first one Imakes me look like I have one bigger than the other but it’s just the angle it’s tooklol

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    Gemlouiseb 3

    Thanks ladies, looking amazing ???? I’m So exited & nervous at the same time. I hope I love them.

    I’m having hp overs, I just worry about them looking saggy but I can see the implants do give a different shape so hopefully nothing to worry about. I feel like I’m very unprepared as I’ve had the busiest 3 weeks of my life, I still need to get my v pillow, hope I’m not too uncomfortable. I would love to see more photos yes.

    Thanks a lot xx

    Gemlouiseb 3

    Stacey they perfect! Love them xx

    Stacey 498

    Thank you Hun my where hp overs aswell just to put your mind at rest xxx

    Lucy 4

    Hi there, I’m booked in with Mr Traynor for 450 cc hp overs in December: )
    I’m 5ft 4 and 12.5 stone and have a similar shape to you after pregnancy and breast feeding 🙂
    I’m so excited for my op after seeing your results Stacey! Xxx

    Jackie 144

    I had 550 overs so just a smidge bigger than what your going for I’m 9 months post op now

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    Stacey 498

    Thanks Lucy I love mine honestly they sit perfect on my frame esp being a bigger woman aswel I was worried they would be massive but there really not xxx

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