How heavy do my implants weigh ?? Started by: Jackie

  • Author
  • Jackie 144

    Hi everyone x just a quick random question??? Has anyone thought how heavy their implants weigh as I’d like to know for when I weigh myself how much to take off for my babies lol xxx I’ve got 550high profile xx

    kelly 58

    Why would you take off the weight.?? That will now be your correct weight. They are a part of you for life 🙂
    It’s not what you weigh. Its how you look 🙂

    Sarah 64

    They weigh in grams what they are in cc
    So if you have 550cc in each you have a total of 1100g which is 2.4 pounds xx

    Stacey 498

    Yeah they don’t accually weight that much in regards to pounds only a couple pound each if that from what I remember xxx

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