Post Op Ladies! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    How are you all finding sleeping at night? I got told from quite early on I’d be ok to sleep braless (think it was the 6 week mark) but always find it quite uncomfortable when I do, feel like I’m squashing them and end up waking in the night! I’m nearly 3 and a half months post op now and sometimes wear a bra and sometimes don’t. I now know that if I want a good sleep I should wear one but just find them quite restrictive. What’s worrying me though is that the last few times I haven’t worn a bra, I’ve woken up with really achy boobs in the morning? Is anyone else experiencing the same? Xx

    Mae 79

    Hey I’m not As far as you yet, 9wpo, but I think I’m always going to wear some sort of a bra. Obviously the odd night where I wouldn’t. But I’ve read that it’s best to wear something just to give them the support.
    Maybe try and find one that is super comfortable. I think it’s Boux Avenue that does like night bras to sleep in, or one of those sites like that defo does.
    Maybe if it’s the bras you find uncomfortable try like a supportive crop top or something?

    Stacey 498

    Hi Hun I’m nearly 6 months post op and if I don’t wear a bra for bed my boobs ache something rotten so I wear one as much as I can for bed now traynor told me to wear one for bed anyways as they will sag eventually and wearing a post op bra for bed stops them from doing that xxx


    Thanks @mae14 and @staceymlx , I think I thought I may be able to get away without wearing a bra at night as even though my implants are big enough for my frame they don’t feel huge! However with the aching etc I think I will invest in some comfier bras. Good to know it’s not just me either Stacey, it’s only recently that they’ve really ached when I’ve woken up and it just worried me a little… especially with having teardrops, I’ve been waking up checking they’re in the same position! X

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