So when will the pain stop? Started by: Nicola

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  • Nicola 26

    So when will I be able to get out of bed normally,using my arms.I am now 6DPO and I have to move slightly down the bed to stop the back ache,and therefore when I try and get out of bed it hurts to try and sit up without using my arms,ie doing a sit up.xx


    I can’t help you but this title really cracked me up. I’m 4dpo and feeel exactly the same. I feel like a T. rex.

    Jen 107

    @gmb1309 a T. rex!!! That’s exactly what you are the first few days! Or a ladybird stuck on its back trying to get out of bed! Haha! 🙂 I used my legs and feet for everything the first few days – opening doors, using the washing machine, making the bed etc. Day 5 was the turning point for me, then it was better every day from there on out xxx

    Nicola 26

    It’s horrible isn’t it.I bought a backrest yesterday from argos which is good but still getting the backache if I sit up too far. I sleep for a couple of hours and then wake up with a very dry mouth because it’s open all the time and also my head leans forward and to the side.My left side is far less painful than my right thank goodness.I have been for a walk today and felt like they were going to drop out.ha ha. And yesterday we were in town and bought a new tv,so I have been fairly busy. Hope it gets better soon for us.xx


    I hope Day 5 is my turning point too. I had the worst sleep last night and felt crap today because of it. But all in all the pains a bit better today and my left arm is getting a bit more mobile! Can’t wait to be back to feeling a bit more normal x

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