A break Started by: Paula moran

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    Does anyone els3 have to take a break from wearing there band and sports bra they drive me mad lol

    Ellie 65

    I always try to let my boobs have a break every day! Sports bra drive me insane x


    I took mine off for a few hours tonight for dinner. I feel kinda guilty about it but honestly I can’t see how it can have done me any harm. At my 1wpo check my nurse tightened it like an inch and a half. It’s so tight now it’s killer. She did say I could take it off for a bit to eat or for a break. She even said I can give it a little hand wash. I mean washing it and drying it would take an hour surely lol. So yes yes yes definitely I need a break!


    Lol good I’m glad I’m not the only one x I take mine off every other night for half hour x I can’t wait till I never have to wear them again x hahaha


    I used to take it off and now again. I still wear it every night for bed now though x

    Jen 107

    I used to take my band and bra off for half an hour every night to give me skin a breather, and get my boyfriend to give my back/neck/shoulders a good rub! Surgeon said it was fine to do so as long as you’re not jumping around all over the place without it on. Like you said, washing your band would take an hour so don’t worry xxx

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