Sizing Started by: Lucy

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  • Lucy

    Hiya girls, I’m looking to have my boobs done within the next few months but I really don’t have a clue about sizing etc.

    What is the difference between the sizes for example the 300/350/400? And also what difference does it make going either under or over the muscle? Sorry to sound so stupid haha, just want to know what they all mean before my consultation!

    Photos of sizes would be fab too!!
    Thank you????


    Hi Lucy
    There’s really not a lot in it. A lot of girls use rice as a rough size guide, as 400cc implant is around 400g of rice. The difference in 350/400 is literally 50g equivalent to 50ml which is a shot glass of liquid so like a shot of liquid extra in each boob. Your surgeon will advise the options they are happy to give you size wise. Usually with only minimal size difference between them, for example my surgeon suggested 400/425/450, being only that shot glass of liquid per boob difference between the biggest and smallest offered.
    Under or over the muscle is also down to your surgeon to decide based on your body. Usually if you have little of your own breast tissue surgeons will only offer under the muscle implant. It makes sure the implant is less visible. However if you have enough tissue there’s nothing at all to say that over the muscle would be at all visible.
    Some people think overs achieve a faker look, but I think that’s only the case if you have little tissue and therefore can see the implant. Personally if I was borderline I would go under the muscle to avoid any slight weight loss etc causing the implant to be visible.
    Under the muscle is also a more painful recovery than over the muscle. But nothing to be scared of. Hope this has been helpful.

    Maybe if you provide your current stats and what your looking to achieve cup size wise! That way other girls can know what sort of before and afters might be useful to you. X


    Perfect, thank you so much!

    I’m a size 8, 5ft 4 and 8 stone. I’m around a 32A at the moment but looking to go a larger C or small D? X

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