curious? Researching? Started by: Jessica

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  • Jessica 9

    Hey girls. I’ve read so many fab reviews about mya but I’ve also read a lot of bad ones as well (not on there website tho) apparently they delete there bad feedback? I’ve been researching & looking around etc for a good 2 years now to find the best place to go.
    Mya keeps popping up as a top pick! But all the negative comments have me abit worried, a few girls have said they’re great with you at first but once they have your money they don’t seem as bothered & helpful etc. Also I’ve seen that a lot of girls are worried over one being bigger/smaller than the other after surgery?
    Be great to hear off you all! X

    Jessica 9

    I have asymmetry really badly, it’s such a big difference.. I’m just worried about the negatives I’ve read about one being bigger than the other after the op, and mya not helping at all ????xxx


    Like abo I have had no issues but can say mya have been amazing the whole way through. There’s plenty of girls who have had two different size implants. If your asymmetry is that obvious it needs correcting then I’m sure your surgeon will offer different sized implants. There’s no magical mathematics to it though unfortunately and I can imagine even with two different implant sizes your boobs may not be exactly perfectly the same size, but I don’t think anyone’s boobs ever are. The nurse aftercare has been fantastic as far as I’m concerned. There are always going to be positive and negative reviews of any company but I feel on balance with mya the positives seem to outweigh the negatives.

    Jessica 9

    I know they’ll never be exactly the same. But some of the pictures I’ve seen that girls have posted on here aren’t happy with the sizing cause the difference is quite noticeable is all..


    I had two different sized implants and one was bigger than the other. It’s quite normal due to swelling and one dropping faster than the other:m. They usually do even out, it can take up to a year to see final results. X

    Jessica 9

    That’s the only thing I’m worrying about is them not evening out! But thank you x

    Hollie 43

    I had my surgery with Mya yesterday and I am absolutely over the moon with my results, I had different size implants although only 25cc difference to even out a slight size difference. I’ve found the company absolutely fantastic all the way through with plenty of contact and my nurse has already phoned me this morning to see how I am. I genuinely couldn’t rwccomed them enough. I travelled from Glasgow to have my surgery with Mya and I’m SO glad I did xx

    Jessica 9

    Thanks Hollie! So glad you’re happy with your surgery how are you finding recovery? Is it painful xx

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