6dpo burning/stabbing pain Started by: Emily

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  • Emily 29

    Hi everyone!
    I’m 6dpo today and I’ve been struggling with a burning/stabbing pain in one boob since my op. I can’t tell whether it’s the incision or a pulled muscle but it’s unbearable even with painkillers and I can’t really move my arm at all because it starts again. Other than that I haven’t really had any other pain or problems, I’ve been taking my painkillers and antibiotics like clockwork and had to get some extra cocodamol to try and cope.
    Has anyone experienced anything similar or have any advice?


    I had this once I had my strapping off I think it was the weight of my implant pushing along my bruising and my incision. I took arnica tablets and it went within 2-3 days. Xxx

    Emily 29

    Thank you for your reply, At least I know there’s light at the end of the tunnel! What does arnica do??
    I think I’m just panicking and worrying that something is wrong because I haven’t seen anyone else mention having similar pains.


    Arnica is great for healing / bruising. I’d of taken it earlier if I’d of known I had bruising. I definately had similar sort of pains after I’d had my strapping off. If I moved it started it was awful. I had been pain relief free for a good 4 days too and I had to resort back to co-codamol xx


    I’ve had the same pain just on one side! It was so bad around day 6 I decided just to completely rest that arm, not even try and get out of bed on my own or put any strain on it. I’m Day 10 now and it’s almost stopped xx

    Emily 29

    Hi Emma! Was your surgery on the 20th as well. How are you feeling now?
    I tried to rest it as well and it’s been a lot better, I still get odd twinges but I’ve found if I use heat packs it isn’t so bad 🙂 Ice packs were having the opposite effect Xx

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