Nervous! Started by: Rosie

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  • Rosie


    I’m soo scared about getting my boobs done my mind is playing tricks about 1 – having to find the money in years to come to get them redone – if i just have the implants out they will be saggy so i will always have to have new implants! 2- getting time off work! do you book holiday or get a sick note!?! and what will people think! 3 – scared they won’t be able to do the surgery cus if my medical history

    Help what do you all think/suggest


    Helen 33

    You won’t necessarily need to get them redone I don’t think, they’re not like they used to be. I’ve booked two weeks off work and know I have to have some time off the gym. Bugger what people think, this is due you and if it’s what you really want go for it. I told my teenage boys the other day I was having it done and I’m booked for surgery on 9th December, I thought they’d give me grief but they were both really supportive, excited now ????

    Jenny 22

    Hey Rosie.

    Please don’t be nervous it’s such an exciting thing to do and foe yourself. It’s life changing. I can’t wait to get mine done in February. My only fear is being put to sleep but I work in medical.and everyone’s saying nothing to worry about at all. I’ve booked 2 weeks off work and time also gutted about the gym but for a new pair of boobies … I know it’s worth it . Good luck xxx

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