Hi Violet, bet you are so excited!!!! The vitamins they say is Arnica tablets, they help with bruising etc.
Smoking, I too smoke and cut down massively, but never quit, even the day before I had one, but I did cut down massively. They did not do a nicotine test on me, nor did they ask about smoking on the day of surgery however that doesn’t mean to say they wont on you. So be careful.
MACOM Size small will be fine, at first with swelling it will probably feel really tight, but over time you will find it starts to feel looser. I would recommend 2 bras at least so when you wash your macom you have another to wear. M&S high impact sports bras are good or Debenhams high impact. ( look on ebay or amazon, you can buy them new, for much cheaper)
Good luck on your Journey xxx
Kelly x