Catching cold/flu before op?? Started by: Sophie

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  • Sophie 26

    Hi girls, ok so I’m 13 days until my op and with it being winter cold and flu is going around like crazy and I’m super worried of catching a cold/flu before my op. If I did catch a common cold would this stop the op from going ahead?

    Literally thinking of everything now I’m on the countdown. It didn’t occur to me until my coworker was coughing up their guts opposite me in the office today!


    Ive been thinking the same. Ive been ill all xmas. I get ill often with 4 kids in our home!


    @sophiejayne95 I woke up the day before my op feeling rubbish, I absolutely smashed lemsips and loads of water but I was full on the morning of my op and had a massive spot on my chin lol, I never get spots, I felt and looked like crap, and I obviously couldn’t take lemsips as couldn’t drink, when I saw the anesatist he was like are you ill? So I said I just woke up with a cold but I’m fine, The my surgeon came in and again he said are you ill? I said I just woke up with a cold but I’m fine, he was like are you sure as if you don’t feel good we will have to postpone, I was secretly dying haha but I was like no honestly I’m fine, needless to say my op went ahead but I was lousy afterwards xx

    Serena 37

    I know one girl on here (and on a whatsapp group I’m in) was very sick in the lead up to and on the day of her op.
    The op went ahead fine, im sure she said it depends on if you have a fever or not, though I’ve heard of a few getting postponed due to bad colds. Annoying because they’re so hard to avoid during the winter!
    You could always call up and ask, or text and ask your PC. But I’m sure you’ll be absolutely fine, good luck with your op! x

    Lydia 85

    I had a slight cold on the day of my op. It was mainly just a tickly cough and I mentioned it to the anaesthetist. He really wasn’t happy about going ahead and said it could lead to a worse cold/chest infection afterwards. He said it was up to me so I said I wanted to go ahead. There’s no way I was cancelling! He assured me that I would be fine during the op and that the only issue was it getting worse afterwards x


    Id imagine it would delay healing a bit if youre already ill and your body is working hard to fight the infection so probably leave you with little energy.
    Ive still got my cold so going to be so careful once its gone. Ill wash my hands like 50 times a day lol! X

    Katie 206

    I had a sore throat on the day and thought it might be the start of a cold. I didn’t have a temperature so I didn’t mention it in case they cancelled! All went well and I actually woke to no sore throat and didn’t get a cold! X

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